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Blaze POV:
I felt bad for sending my mom back home with that bitch nigga but she won't be with him for long because pretty soon he will no longer be with us....permanently. I called up my best friend and told her the situation, she was the head of this well known gang back home and she almost killed that nigga after what he did to me. But I told her not to because it just wasn't the right time. But now I didn't give a fuck.
*yo chase remember wat we talkd about a couple months ago? Well get it dun. I'll send u the payment when it's finished*-Blaze
*Dnt even worry bout it bruh I'll do it 4 free, my gift 2 u, u just focus on school*-chase
*good look, one love nigga*-Blaze
*one love bruh*-Chase
I rolled over in bed to see Milana and Angel sleeping peacefully. They got so fucked up last night that I couldn't even get them to leave Milana's room to go to a party. So I spent all night taking care of them. We eventually all passed out in her bed, good thing she has two beds pushed together because we all wouldn't have fit on that one twin bed. I wrapped my arm around Milana's waist and I felt her move closer to me and poke her butt out. I loved when she put her butt on me while she was sleeping.
They came back from dinner happy as ever, Milana's mom and nana got both of them charm bracelets and the look on Angel's face was so priceless. I'm so glad that she got to spend time with them. "Baby we got to get up we need to go to the mall so we can find something to wear tonight,"Milana said turning around to face me. Angel rolled over to and put her head on Milana's shoulder. "Well get yal hungover asses up and get in the shower and get dressed,"They both got up, picked out clothes and then headed out the door to go shower.
I walked into the bathroom and got in the shower behind Milana. She was washing her hair and her eyes were closed. "Boo! ," I said trying to scare her, she jumped and turned around and slapped my arm. I laughed and pushed her up against the wall. I kissed her passionately and rubbed my fingers against her clit, she bit her lip to keep her moan in. I then slid two fingers deep inside of her and she gasped. I didn't want Angel to hear us even though she was currently singing loud as fuck in the shower behind us, so I put my hand over her mouth. I pushed my fingers deep, pulled them out slowly and put my fingers in my mouth. I pressed my body up against hers and whispered in her ear, "Damn ma you taste good," her body shuttered underneath mine and I continued to finger her, I started to go deeper,harder and faster. Her body was shaking and she was moaning and before I knew it she started screaming. "FUUUUCK!BABY I'M CUMMIINNG,"She creamed all over my fingers and collapsed into ny arms up under the shower water. The curtain flew open, "Yal sooo nasty just in here fucking like I ain't in the shower behind yal frealy asses,"Angel stood there butt ass naked brushing her teeth. I couldn't help but to laugh, "I'm sorry bestie but I had to seize the opportunity, this was my first time ever getting too...well you know," I said as me and Milana got out of the shower."Mhmm next time I better get an invitation," She laughed as she walked over and grabbed her towel and headed out the door.
*6 hours later*
Clay's POV:
I laid on the couch relaxing when I heard someone knock on the door. I nodded over at nick to let him know to answer it. And in came Marie sexy as ever. She had on a long fitted red gown that made her booty look plump and juicy. The top of her dress was mesh and she had on red pasties to cover her nipples. I jumped up and kissed her hand, "mmm girl you lookin' good!," I said spinning her around. "Thanks you know I do what I can,"she said as she sat down on the couch. "Mhmm and what you can do you do well,"I said sitting in the couch across from her. "Why aren't you dressed? We are already two hours late," she said looking me up and down. "I am dressed, I ain't getting dressed up for this shit, These jeans and this red polo are fine now get your fine ass up and let's go," I nodded over at nick and he grabbed the black bag I needed and we headed out the door.
Marie POV:
Something doesn't feel right. Clay always gets dressed up for homecoming and he's a senior I'd assume he'd want to show out for his last year. And he always drives us to homecoming, he has never allowed nick to drive us. We stopped at the gas station and both he and Nick got out of the car. As they headed into the gas station I grabbed the black bag and opened it. There were ropes,duct tape,knives and salt...What the fuck is going on. I texted Miles to let him know something was up and to be on Alert when we got there. I slid the backpack back into the front passenger seat as Clay and Nick headed back to the car.
Miles POV:
I was reading Marie's text when Trish came up to me and sat across from me at the table. I looked up at her and slid my phone into my pocket. "What the fuck do you want?" I said as I looked at her, she looked beautiful tonight and for once trish and her sister wore something different. "Well that's not very polite, I just wanted to come over and apoligize for everything. I didn't mean for everything to happen the way that it did. I want you to know that I miss you and I'm trying to get my shit together for us," she looked at me sincerely and for some reason I just couldn't be rude to her. Somewhere down the line I developed feelings for her and despite all of the bullshit I know she's a good person. "Do you want to dance?"I said to her as I stood up. "Sure," she smiled and grabbed my hand and we walked out onto the dance floor. I saw Milana, Angel and Blaze walk in together as we were dancing. Milana and Angel looked amazing and Blaze did that shit! She had on a pink button up with a pink and white bow tie, a white vest, and a pair of pink and white J's. They came over to me and I could tell they were all high as fuck. "What up nigga?"I said to Blaze as I stepped away from trish to hug Milana and Angel. "Shit bruh chillen," Blaze said as she gave me a confused look as she looked over at Trish. Trish walked over to Milana and pulled her aside. We all stared at them to make sure nothing popped off, Milana looked a little confused but then they came back over. I looked at Trish,"What was that about?" I said, "Nothing just apologizing," she smiled at me and grabbed my hand. "Well if you excuse us Miles still owes me a dance," Trish said leading me a way from them.
Milana POV:
Trish coming up to me to apologize was not something I was expecting. It was an odd apology though because when she said it she kind of snickered. It was one of those sneaky like apologies that are filled with sarcasm and extra bullshit. I'm assuming she did it because she wants Miles to talk to her again, but they can leave me out of their drama I have enough on my plate as it is. I went to go get me, Angel and Blaze something to drink when some girl from my English class approached me with shots. "Hey girl!Take a shot with me," She yelled over the music as she handed me one and took the other. I smiled at her and took the shot. I went over to the table and grabbed the cups. I drank a little of mine and then headed back over to them. As I walked acrossed the dance floor I started to feel dizzy and a little sick. I gave the cups to Blaze. "You okay babe?" she said looking at me, "Yea I'm fine I'm just going to head to the restroom." I walked out of the ballroom and across the lobby to the bathroom. I saw Clay and Marie come in the door. "Hey beautiful," She said to me as she came over and hugged me. My vision was blurry but I managed to hug her back. "You don't look so good are you okay?" She said, "Yea I'm fine just heading to the bathroom," I said, everything began spinning and before I knew it everything went black.
Clay POV:
I watched Milana collapse on the floor and I knew it was time I looked at Nick and nodded. He ran over to Milana and picked her up. "Oh my God," Marie said as she started to panic. I pretended to run over in shock "Go get Miles We'll take her outside to get some air,"I told marie, she ran into the ballroom to go him. A professor who was chaperoning came outside, " Is she ok?" he asked, "Yup she's fine just a little drunk, she's my little cousin so I'm going to take her back to her dorm and get her cleaned up", I said as the professor nodded his head and went back inside. I made sure he was gone and told Nick to open the trunk. We put her in the trunk and tied her up, nick put tape on her mouth. We closed the trunk and sped off.
"Damn nigga how'd you get that girl from English to agree to drug her for you?"Nick said as we pulled up to the stoplight. My adrenaline was pumping and I couldn't believe we pulled it off. I looked at nick,"It wasn't easy but we agreed that I'd pay her $600,"I tilted my head back on the seat. It was only a matter of hours before the police would be called, and I wish I could be there when they break into my apartment and realize I'm not there. We pulled over to the curb and the backseat opened and closed. "What took you so long?", I said turning around, "Nothing I just had to tie up some ends," I looked at Trish grinning. "Yea iight," I turned back around and closed my eyes. Let the games begin.
Miles POV:
Me,Blaze,Marie,Ashton and Angel all ran out of the Ballroom into the lobby. "Where the fuck are they at?" I yelled looking around. I ran outside and my stomach sank. I turned around to Marie," Where the fuck is Clay's car?" She started shaking and tears started to flow. "Shit! They set it all up, and the backpack..." her voice trailed off. "What fucking backpack?!WHAT'S IN THE FUCKING BACKPACK!" I hated yelling at her but my adrenaline was pumping and I needed to understand what the fuck was going on. "Tape..and rope...and salt...and..and," she started crying harder, I was getting frustrated now. "AND WHAT MARIE?!" I grabbed her shoulders. "AND KNIVES MILES! And Knives...," I grabbed her and pulled her into my chest. I felt the tears begin to roll down my cheeks. Blaze and Ashton were flipping out and Angel started crying. But then out of fear came my rage and I was ready to fuck shit up. My phone started buzzing and I answered it, "Hello?" I said as everyone stopped to look at me. "Who's in control now nigga?" It was Clay.

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