Too Afraid to love continued..

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Blaze POV:
Me and Miles walked into Ashton's dorm room and we were pulled in by a couple of guys and the door was quickly shut behind us. The room was filled with a big cloud of marijuana smoke. I couldn't really make out all the faces in the room but there were atleast 10 guys and 2 girls. The two girls were in the corner giving head to 3 of the guys who I recognized as some of the football players.
I sat down on the couch and Miles went over to Ashton and started talking to him about something. Some dude to the left of me passed me the blunt and I hit it. "Yo I told lala she need to stop fucking with them wanna be niggas and come fuck with a real one," Ashton said laughing as I passed him the blunt. Miles punched Ashton in the arm and told him to chill. "Man I know that's your sister and all but she can get it bruh, me and you are cousins but on your moms side so that means me and her ain't got no relation,"Ashton said as he looked at me awkwardly. "What's up with you Blaze you look lost as fuck bruh," I looked at Ashton and then at Miles,"I ain't no Milana was your sister..," Ashton started laughing and said, "Neither does shes." Miles came over and sat next to me in the chair and lit the next blunt. The dude to my left passed me a bottle of tequila and a bottle of ciroc, I took two shots of each. "Look you can't say shit to nobody, or me and you will have some serious problems," Miles said to me as he passed me the blunt. "Yea man it's the family secret, and if she finds out a whole lot of other secrets are going to come out too, like her dead daddy," Ashton said looking at Miles. "Wait she don't know her dad is dead?" I said looking at Miles. "Nah she don't know her mom never told her,"Miles got up and signalled for everyone to get ready to leave. I got up and straightened my clothes and headed for the door. This situation is fucked up.
Trish POV:
Me, Kaya, and Lala walk into the party turnt. We had some vodka and shared 4 blunts, I love when we're all high. It makes parties more interesting. The party was live and they were playing some reggae music. I adjusted my the zipper infront of my boobs so more of my cleavage could show. Me and my sister were rocking the same body suit only I had on my vera wang pumps. Someone came up behind me and put their arm around my waist, I turned around and saw Clay's fine ass hazel eyes looking back at me. "You must want Miles to beat your ass," I said to him as I laughed. "I would love to see him try," he pulled me by my waist closer to him and I started to grind on him to the rythm of the music. Milana and kaya looked at me shook their heads and walked away, but I didn't care it's just a dance.

Kaya's POV:
Me and Milana were dancing, I always love dancing with her because we always caught people's attention...well one persons attention in particular. I remember the first party we went to we were grinding on each other just having fun and Taz was watching us from a distance. I thought she was looking at Milana but she was definitely checking me out and after that first party things between me and Taz got pretty intense. I looked around the party and couldn't believe Trish was dancing with Clay. She knows that Clay and Miles don't fuck with each other, especially after Miles beat his brothers ass for kissing on Trish at the beginning of the semester.
The only reason why Clay is dancing with her is because he knows it's going to piss Miles off, everyone knows that Clay is in love with Marie. I saw Taz looking at me and she was looking good. She had on all white everything white air force's, white true religion jeans and a white T. I told Milana I'd be right back , she said okay and went to get something to drink. I followed Taz into the bathroom.

Milana's POV:
It is so hot in this damn party, there are so many people in the house. I headed towards the kitchen to take a couple more shots with brian,a kid from my chem class. I felt someone's eyes on me so I turned around. I saw Blaze posted up on the wall getting a lap dance from Angel but she was looking right at me. I quickly turned back around and walked into the kitchen. I took 7 shots of tequila and walked into the living room where everyone was dancing. Everything started to get real loopy, I knew I shouldn't have drank this much. Some guy grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. "Get the fuck off of me," I said trying to get myself free. "Come on ma I know you want to dance with me," he said as he gripped me harder. "Yo get the fuck off of her bruh she's with me," I heard a voice say coming from beside me. I looked over and Blaze was right there sizing the boy up. The dude let me go and stepped to Blaze, "I'm getting real tired of you faggot bitches thinking that you're men," he said as he got all up in her face. She pushed him. Before things could get any further I stepped in between them barely able to keep my balance. "Come on guys chill the fuck out!" I yelled and then Miles came running over with Ashton.
"You got a problem nigga," Miles said as he and Ashton pushed up on the dude. "Nah Man I'm chill," the boy said as he stepped back. Blaze looked at me and asked if I was ok, I just nodded my head. "You don't look so good," she said as she put her hand on my forehead. Miles looked at me and laughed, "Damn girl you are fucked up," he said as he came over and put his hand on my back trying to help me balance so I didn't fall over. I started laughing and then quickly covered my mouth, I was going to puke. "Oh hell no Blaze take her to the bathroom," Miles said as he and Blaze propped me up to help me walk.

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