𝒙𝒊𝒊. twelve

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❝ ojichan!

( for obvious reasons, i will not
recite what happens in this episode! )

MONDAY MORNING CAME by, and jaizen woke up to complete silence, something she loved. she managed to get a good nights sleep- again, something she was really pleased about.

but she couldn't deny how much she missed that one night she slept over at dustin's house. specifically the satisfying amount of sleep she got.

definitely not because she cuddled with dustin, mhm, nope, totally not.

oh, and to top it all off, she picked out one of her favourite outfits to wear along with her accessories- it was only fitting to reflect her blissful mood. but that wasn't the best part. once she got ready and fixed her hair into a cute hairstyle with star clips, she put on the gift that dustin gave her.

she lifted her hand up, a joyous smile on her face upon seeing the ring on her index finger. it was silver ( her favourite ring type ) and had stars around the heart. dustin said that the stars on it quote on quote 'reminded him of her star clips' and he also noticed she 'liked heart shaped patterns'. he couldn't be any more right.

when she opened the gift, she did in fact let a couple tears out. she repeatedly shook her head in denial, not processing the fact that dustin went out of his way to buy something with his own money..for her. it truly baffled the young teenager.

he constantly told her she deserved something nice, and that she shouldn't worry about paying him back. which didn't help her secret feelings towards him.

after many 'thank you's and 'you shouldn't have!'s later ( and monique filming the whole thing with a digital camera ) she finally put it on and accepted it with the biggest smile ever- she probably looked stupid looking back on it, but she didn't regret it. she hugged dustin for around 10 whole minutes, and the boy certainly didn't complain.

all she had to do now was find a way to repay him by also giving him a gift. she didn't want it to be too much, but it also couldn't be too little. did she ever mention it's harder to buy for boys sometimes?

furthermore, jaizen received a call from her mother on sunday, calling just to check up on her and see how she's doing. it was unusual and very unexpected, but she was more than thankful that her mother actually remembered to check in on her daughter. she was ecstatic.

safe to say the last two days had been the best she's ever had in a long time.

back to the present, it was nearing 8am. after she ate cereal, she peered through the peephole, seeing dustin in his usual spot waiting for her. she smiled to herself and put her shoes on before heading out the door.

walking with him was by far her favourite part of school mornings.

"OOH, SOMEONE'S MORE happier than usual." monique smiled brightly at her best friend who walked up to her. "perhaps because of a certain gift?"

jaizen didn't even bother to deny it, having adjusted the books in her arms to hold up her hand. "maybe." she grinned.

monique chuckled, grabbing her books for their next class and shutting her locker. she examined her best friend's outfit and gasped, "zen! you look amazing, the fuck? those flare jeans were definitely the move, girl!"

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