𝒙𝒗. fifteen

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❝ solo!

THE REST OF the school day, people were gossiping about jaizen and becca's fight. it even reached heather, who secretly apologised on behalf of becca. jaizen was beyond shocked, but nonetheless accepted the apology and even reassured her that she didn't flirt with alex in any way.

whilst dustin and jaizen were on their after school walk, jaizen was explaining what had been said before and during the fight in detail.

"damn..if i heard everything from the beginning i wouldn't have stopped you from punching her again." dustin chuckled. "i just didn't wanna see you even more hurt i guess."

jaizen smiled, "well i'm kinda glad you and brandt did to be honest. i don't like getting into physical fights, but i guess it was just the heat of the moment."

"yeah, when this random boy told us you guys were fighting, my heart dropped down to my ass, i swear." he laughed, "i'll never forget the worried looks on brandt and alex's faces."

"really? that's actually kinda sweet."

"you're starting to grow on them so i'm not surprised." he grinned, bringing her closer to him. "how's your knuckles?"

she brought her right hand up, seeing the gauze which was covered in doodles, patterns, and even dustin, monique, alex, and brandt's names written by them. it was kind of cute.

"it's starting to hurt less so that's good. thanks for helping me..again."

"no worries, ma."

after talking about other topics, it wasn't until they were almost at jaizen's house that dustin decided to ask a question that's been on his mind ever since the fight.

"remember after the fight when mona said that alex wasn't your type?"

jaizen raised her brows, "yeah?"

"what's your type then? i wanna know." he shrugged, acting like he wasn't super curious when in truth he was very curious.

jaizen hummed in thought before she started to list things off, knowing she'll save herself the embarrassment because they were almost at her house and she could always quickly disappear inside.

plus, she already got in a fight- might as well go all out today.

"uhm, well my type is taller guys who are good at sports..has two best friends..wears one earring..knows the sidewalk rule..uses the nickname 'ma'..buys me cute rings..used to be a complete asshole- still kinda is but he tries not to be.."

all throughout her talking, dustin had the widest smile plastered on his face. he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

after jaizen finished listing off her type, she felt like her heart was about to rip out off her ribcage due to it beating so loudly. she refused to look at dustin, scared that she was going to see his face full of confusion, or worse: disgust.

shit- why did i say that?! this is so embarrassing i never wanna show my face again.

despite her overthinking, that wasn't the case. not one bit.

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