Chapter 15

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"So... who the fuck are you people?" I asked as I shifted uncomfortably in the seat.

This car is way too small and of course, for some odd reason, the tallest one is in the middle. Gar was sitting to my left and Rachel was to my right. The driver didn't say anything. He didn't even ignore the fact that I was talking to him. Asshole. The woman with pink hair turned around and looked at me.

"I'm Kory," she said with a smile. "Thats Dick,"

"Your name is Dick?" I laughed. "Who the fuck names their kid Dick?"

"It's short for something," he answered.

"Short for what? Penis?" I asked and Gar elbowed me.

"Richard," Dick said.

"The fuck? That makes no fucking sense," I said.

"Lucas," Gar mumbled.

"No literally how the fuck did you get Dick from Richard? Also, why the fuck do you go by Dick? For shits and giggles or to make people uncomfortable?" I asked.

"Can you stop?" Dick snapped.

"Fuck you," I snapped back.

"So what's your name?" Kory asked, trying to distract me.

"Lucas," I mumbled.

"What about you with the green hair?" She asked Gar.

"Gar," he mumbled.

"His name is Garfield, like that fat ass cat," I added with a smile.

"Where are we going?" Gar asked as he looked out the window.

"I don't know," Dick said.

"How do you not know where we're going?" I asked.

"Can you please just be quiet so I can think!" Dick yelled. I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat.

"It's kind of sad that we just jumped into these people's car without any thought," I whispered to Gar.

"If we get sold we get sold," he shrugged.

"They aren't going to sell you," Rachel said. "He's a cop," she added and pointed at Dick.

"He's a cop? I fucking hate cops," I stated.

"What's wrong with cops?" Kory asked.

"Live in Gotham for a few years, then come back and ask me that question," I said.

"I'm from Gotham," Dick said.

"Why the hell would you want to be a cop in Gotham? Do you have a death wish?" I asked again, shocked.

"Someone has to do it," Dick said.

Yeah, suicidal people," I stated.

"You should be a cop, then, Lucas," Gar said with a smile.

"That's a good one." I smiled and shifted in my seat again. Rachel sighed and glared at me as my leg brushed up against hers.

"Can you get off of me?" Rachel snapped.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Next time, I'll just cut off my leg so you have some fucking room," I snapped back.

"Dick. This car is way too small," Rachel whined.

"I suggest that we tie Gar to the roof."

"What the hell did I do?" He asked.

"Existing," I said.

"Ok, I'll see if we can trade it for another one or something," Dick sighed.

"Please do before I kill myself,"

"Sitting next to me isn't that bad, Lucas," Gar said.

"Gar, you're my cousin, and I'm practically on top of you," I stated.

"You two are cousins?' Rachel asked.

"Yeah," Gar answered.

"I thought you were friends," she mumbled.

"Why because he's Asian? We can't be related because he's Asian?" I asked.

No, I didn't—that's—" She stuttered, trying to think of something to say.

"Relax, I'm just fucking with you," I laughed as Gar hit my arm.


Eventually, Dick found a car place so we could get a bigger car. He traded the Porsche for a minivan that we all could sit in. Then we started driving around again. I still have no clue where he's taking us, but whatever. I like this van because I have a whole row of seats to myself. So I can lie down.

"I still can't believe you traded in the Porsche for a minivan," Gar sighed as the car slowed down.

"This we can all fit in," Dick said.

"I like the van," Kory stated.

"I do, so I like having a row to myself." I smiled and sat up.

I looked out the window and saw that we were parked in an empty parking lot. In front of us was a shity little motel that looked like no one had been there for months. It looks really sad.

"We're not actually staying here, are we?" Rachel asked as she looked out the window.

"You know, there's probably a nicer place down the road," Kory said.

"We're being hunted by sociopaths. Nicer places draw attention," Dick said.

"Wait, we are being hunted?" I asked.

"Yeah. Well, they also make it easier to sleep," Kory said as she ignored me.

"One road in. Same road out. Only one point of access we have to watch," Dick said as he pointed at the road. "And also. It's quiet. Trouble comes our way, we should hear it first," he explained.

"And who said anything about sleeping?" He asked as he unbuckled and got out of the car.

"So are we going to ignore the fact that he said we are being hunted?" I whispered to Gar.

"I guess so," he mumbled.

"Are you serious?" I sighed.

"This is what we get for getting into random people's car," he said.

Ugh, move, let me out," I groaned as I climbed in between Gar and Rachel.

"You can't wait a minute for Dick to get back?" Rachel asked, annoyed.

"No, I can't Rachel get the fuck out of my way now," I snapped as I opened the door and got out.

"Don't wander too far," Kory said.

"I'm going to run away."

"What are you doing?" Dick asked as he came out of the motel. He was holding five keys.

"Stretching my legs. Is that okay with you?" I asked as I walked over to him.

"Whatever, here, take one of these," he said, handing me a key.

"Room 205," I read. "I didn't need my own room; I could've shared with Gar."

"It's fine," he said.

"Okay," I mumbled, and twirled the key around my finger.

"Come on, guys, let's go," Dick said as he walked back to the car and turned it off. Everyone else came out of the car, and he handed everyone keys.

"I'm going to order us pizza. You all go to your rooms, and we can meet later."

"I love pizza." I smiled and walked to the motel.

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