Chapter Twenty-one: Crushes and Closed Doors

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Russia noticed that America seemed almost sad as he left, but thought nothing of it. He was pretty sure he'd heard the other sigh, but he wasn't sure about it. Either way, he would be certain to go back to visit the other again before the end of the healer's shift. 

As he walked towards the last class he had, he realized he'd left the journal open on his desk. But he quickly shrugged it off, no one really went to his room very often, so he'd be fine. But the more he thought about the journal, the more flustered he got. As he got closer to the next class he had, the more he realized that what he was feeling towards the healer was definitely starting to fall more on the side of romantic attraction and attraction in other ways. It wasn't just friendly anymore. He already knew it was a crush, but he'd never dreamed that way about anyone who he'd had a crush on before, which wouldn't be unusual if his only other crushes had been before fourteen, but he'd had a crush on a girl his age that lived in the village for about a month when he was sixteen. Then a crush on a boy from the same village when he was seventeen, that one lasted for about three weeks. But this was entirely new to him, he wanted to do more than just hold and kiss America. 

He quickly dismissed that train of thought as he walked into the room where his class was being held. He was thankful there was only one other class after this one, then he'd be able to spend the rest of his time with America. 

The third class of the day was one of the classes that felt short to him, so he was thankful for that. And luckily for him, the class sped by as it usually did, it felt fast and went by quickly. 

He excitedly stepped out of the classroom and started to walk towards his fourth class. 

As he made his way to his fourth class, he internally groaned as he remembered what it was and how long it always felt like it dragged. He knew it'd be worth it though, he'd be able to go see America for a little bit. He hoped that the healer would be as happy to see him as he was whenever he saw them. He sighed as he walked to the room. 

Instead of the door being open, there was a note on it. The note told him that his teacher was sick, and that he was basically free for the rest of the day. 

He smiled excitedly and looked around for a second, as to make sure he wasn't dreaming. 

When he was sure he wasn't, he started to walk towards the healer's office. Then he remembered that the journal was open on his desk- maybe he should go and hide that before he went to see the healer. He slightly changed his direction, as his room wasn't too far from the healer's office. So he didn't have to change his direction much. 

Once he got to his room, he opened the door, which was odd, he didn't remember closing it this morning. He didn't think much of it though, and walked in, quickly noticing that the journal was not on his desk, and opened, as he'd remembered leaving it. That gave him pause, if it wasn't there, where was it? He'd left it open on his desk, that was stupid. But no one ever went in his room, so it should still be there on his desk, open. 

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