Chapter Twenty-five: Interrupted Letters and Chances

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Russia sighed a little bit as he left the office of the healer. He'd waved and said goodbye to him, he had decided to leave a little earlier than he would've liked so that he could see if there was a response in the flowers - he knew he probably shouldn't expect one, but he was hopeful. 

As he approached the flowers, he saw an envelope, nicely placed among them and excitedly ran over to get it. He gently removed it from the flowers and fiddled with the envelope for a bit as he continued to his next class. 

He got in the room and his teacher wasn't there yet, so he opened the envelope and began reading its contents excitedly. He felt giddy like a little kid. 

Dear Nyx, 
Don't make yourself uncomfortable with a deadline! You don't have to meet up with me too soon! But I do feel excited to meet you, I must admit. 
As for Argentina, don't do anything that'll get you hurt! I hope you just help keep her away from me. I don't like her, but she's my friend's sister. 
How much of a disaster is your sister? 
I'm also very glad to hear that you have never tucked, and I hope you plan to keep it that way! If for whatever reason you decide to tuck, I'll be there to scold and treat you. I may not have met you knowingly yet, but I care deeply for you. 
Also, that'd be wonderful! I'd love to meet Anatoly. I don't think who you are would ever shift my perspective on you and make me uncomfortable. You could be anyone, and I'd still just be interested in hanging out with you. 
And I did say I'd give Bean pets for you. I did, but after meeting up if you still want to pet him, feel free to pet him. 
As for your guesses, all of them are out! Dryads are forest spirits, and their descendants usually have fully white eyes or have green irises. They also have an affinity for plant magic!
I have next to no magic affinity, but I can use a little healing magic. I can use magic on plants, grow and heal them, but it's not at a high enough level for me to even be considered as a candidate for being a descendant of a Dryad. 
As for elf or Breton, I just don't have any of the hallmarks of them. I also don't have the proper magic affinities, and none of my family are either of the two. 
I wish you luck on figuring out what I am! 

Sincerely, Aku 

Russia smiled a little and took some paper out of his bag, a portable quill, and his inkwell out of his bag. He wondered how far into writing a response he could get before he was stopped by his teacher showing up. He uncapped his inkwell and dipped his quill into it, ready to find out. 

He was able to get roughly halfway done with his response before his teacher showed up and stopped him to start the class. 

So, Russia capped his inkwell and put away it and his quill. Once he was done with that, he checked the ink on the paper, wanting to make sure it was dry before he put it elsewhere. 

The class started, and it felt a bit boring to him. It felt long, but he was anxious to finish his next letter to America, so it definitely wasn't as long and drawn out as it felt. He knew that, but that information didn't stop it from feeling that way. 

Once the class was over, he had a thirty minute break before his next class. So he walked to his room as quickly as he could so that he could finish his response letter. 

Once he was in his room, he unfolded the half finished response letter and placed it on the desk. He took the inkwell out of his bag and uncapped it, putting it beside the letter. The sound it made earned him a half-assed glare from his cat, Anatoly. He laughed a little at that and took out his portable quill. 

He dipped the quill into the open inkwell and started writing. 

Soon he felt content with his response, so got out an envelope. He wrote "From Nyx, to Aku" on the back. 

He waited for the ink on both to dry before he gently folded the letter and put it in the envelope. 

After that, he got up and walked out of his room, down the stairs, then out of the castle. He went over to the chamomile flowers, and then his response in the flowers. 

As he walked to his next class, he remembered what America had done earlier. He remembered that America had heated up the tea with magic, this either meant that part of the letter was a lie, or that he'd used a lot of energy to do it. And based on what he knew, he was sure it was the latter. He was sure of this because he'd seen him get something to restore his energy. 

He thought it was cute he'd do something like that, but was a bit worried for him. That gave him hope that he may have a shot, and may be able to get in a relationship with him. 

But he'd have to wait until at least the little game he'd started was over, if he was to be in a relationship with him, he wanted the other to know that was him. This reinvigorated his hope to get his guess on what America was correct. 

He settled on that he'd keep a closer eye on how the other acted, and such, that'd definitely help him get closer to a proper guess. 

Before he knew it, he was in front of the classroom where his next class was to be held. 

The class was one of the more interesting ones he had, and now that he didn't feel urged to read or write, he knew he'd be able to enjoy it. 

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