Chapter Forty: Theories and Harsh Realities

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America walked back to the flowers, quickly and quietly. He was thankful for Russia having stopped Argentina from getting to him, but he couldn't stand to be the reason that the other lost more sleep. Because unlike himself, sleep was a necessity for Russia.

Soon enough, he was back at the chamomiles. He placed the letter down beside himself gently before he started to gently tend to the chamomiles. Once he was done, he grabbed the letter from beside him and gently opened it.

Dear Aku,
Awe darn! Well I'm closer to meeting you. 
The closer I get, the more anxious and excited I get. I'm excited, but I worry you may not like me when you find out who I am.
Also, I love the crow! Doesn't he call prince Russia "Papa"?
Malaphors are always fun, so I'm glad you like them!
Well, I'm pretty sure if they flirt with you, it means you have a chance? If not, I don't know what it means.
Anatoly is a good cat most of the time! He's very cuddly, and is adorable.
Also, I have no idea what effects opium poppies have other than pain relief, but based on context, I would hazard to say it's not a good thing.
Also, I think that's really cool! I've only ever heard of magic being sealed away on an individual basis, never for an entire race. That's really interesting, and I would love to hear more about it eventually.
I'm glad you're more comfortable here. I'm glad you settled here. I personally think your eyes are cute, and I will never understand why they were ever made fun of.
And that sounds like an interesting theory, maybe we can look into it when we meet up.
Well, my guesses are wolf of some kind, canine, or possibly deer. Am I close or not?

Sincerely, Nyx

America smiled a little bit as he read through the first part of the letter, glad Nyx was also excited to meet him, but hoped that he could ease his anxiety on it as well. Then he sighed, disappointed at how quickly the news of Samuel calling Russia "papa" had spread. But he supposed that it was bound to happen, as Italy had yelled about it.

Though he was glad to hear that Nyx also liked malaphors, as they both found them fun to use.

He sighed a little, finding Nyx a little naive in thinking that flirting usually meant that someone would have a chance. He may just be cynical, but it did not mean that most of the time for him. People had done it as a joke, dare, or to just simply show him how no one could love him with eyes like his. He was likely just cynical in this particular case. Nyx probably had better experiences with flirting, and probably knew what it should've meant to him. He wished he could've grown up here, people didn't actually mind his eyes here, just saw them, shrugged, and moved on with their days. He'd even had a few people say something ppl "Ooooo! you have pretty eyes like my grandma!" or "Oh, cool! You have cool eyes like my friend".

He smiled a little to himself as he read about what Nyx knew of magic being sealed away, he'd have to tell him more of what he knew later. Maybe they could look into it after they met. It'd be something that they'd both hopefully enjoy.

Sadly, unlike Nyx, he knew well that people didn't like his eyes, and why they proclaimed that they didn't like them. He'd been calling many things in his earlier years traveling with his parents. They'd called him things like: demon, freak, monster, lost face, shame, disgrace, ignominy, embarrassment, mistake, blemish on existence, antichrist, "that thing", howling fantod, abomination, delayed abortion, curse to this world, blasphemy against nature, and many other degrading and dehumanizing things.

He was glad that Nyx found the theory interesting, and felt excited to look into the theory with him when he met up with him.

He found himself laughing a little as he read the guesses. It was a good-natured laugh, as those were far off from what he was. Though, he was disappointed that he hadn't gotten it, as he was excited to meet up with Nyx.

Once he had finished reading the letter from Nyx, he gently folded it and put it in his messenger bag. After that, he smiled to himself and continued to garden. As he did, he found himself lost in thought, nothing too important crossing his mind. Other than that Ukraine, one of the royals, had started sneezing earlier that day. It was probably nothing, she, one of her siblings, or her father would come to him if something was up. Though, he ought to make sure she got a good night's rest in case she'd caught something. He ought to check that before he went back to his room for the night. But before he finished gardening, it started raining, which was nice, though he didn't have an umbrella. So he moved a lot quicker to get the gardening done, he didn't feel like getting sick.

Eventually he finished his gardening, and quietly and quickly dropped by the room next to Russia's, hearing the sound of someone peacefully sleeping inside. He smiled a little and moved on, heading back towards his own room after that. Once he made it into his room, he settled down and took the letter out of his messenger bag and took out his inkwell and quill. He opened the inkwell and took out some paper before he began to write. He reread the letter again before he began responding, wanting to appropriately address everything Nyx had said.

Once he was done with his response, he set it aside to dry and took out an envelope, writing the usual "From Aku, To Nyx" on it.

He hoped that Nyx would guess correctly soon, as although it may be a little selfish, he wanted to talk to him in person and hang out with him. When he was writing his response, he made damn well sure that he wasn't being pushy about that. He wanted Nyx to see him on his own terms.

Regardless of when he got to meet Nyx, he was glad to have met him and had the chance to talk to him.

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