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"There, that should do it."

Smokesong patted Moonflight's injured shoulder gently as the blue-black tom got slowly to his paws. He stared out at the exit to the Medicine Den, where the dying light poked through the vine entrance.

"Thanks," he mumbled. Then, he hesitated as though he wanted to go on, but was uncertain if he should.

Smokesong blinked in Moonflight's direction as she picked up the herb dressings, and began putting them away. She'd found a lot of relief in doing those menial sorts of tasks. After everything, she wasn't entirely comfortable being as out in the open in FalconClan as she had used to be. It had been only a half moon since the final battle where so many cats had lost their lives, and emotional wounds were still taking a long time to heal.

"What is it, Moonflight?" Smokesong murmured softly as the FalconClan warrior continued to stare off at the entrance to the den.

Moonflight glanced at her, and then sighed. "Have you had any word from them?" Everything from his head to his tail to his bright blue wings seemed to droop as he stared at Smokesong through desperate eyes.

I should have suspected. A blade of grief shot through Smokesong, and she felt black dots swirl in her vision. Memories, all too vivid of Flamepaw and Adderpaw dying, flashed through her mind. Moonflight had not only lost their mother, his mate, but also his two kits, just when he realised he'd had them.

"Nothing, since the nine lives, Moonflight. I'm sorry."

Smokesong padded up to Moonflight, wondering what sort of comfort she could offer him, when she suddenly saw a figure at the entrance to the den. She let out a relieved purr when she realised that it was Roseflight.

The cream she-cat was laden down with fresh supplies, her long, gorgeous, rosy pink wings spread wide to keep the herbs from falling off her back. As soon as he saw her, Moonflight rushed forward, offering the she-cat some help. Roseflight seemed to realise how depressed her clanmate was, because she purred gently in thanks as Moonflight grabbed a bundle of marigold. Smokesong blinked as Roseflight gestured to where the precious herbs were meant to be placed.

After the battle with Dawnclaw, the cream she-cat had come clean that she had always wanted to be a Medicine Cat. Dawnclaw's father had put his daughter in the spot, even though Roseflight had been the natural healer among them. She was a natural at making cats feel as though someone cared for them and they weren't alone. After the battle, many had come to the Medicine Den for their physical wounds, but had come out of it with their side mental healing as well.

Roseflight turned to Smokesong just as the last of the herbs were being put in their specific places. She dropped a tail over Moonflight's flank.

"Hawkblaze, Snowlight and Fadedpaw just got back from patrol," she offered in her gentle tone. "I think Hawkblaze wanted to speak with you."

"Thanks," Smokesong blinked appreciatively at Roseflight..

As she padded towards the exit of the den, she saw Roseflight and Moonflight murmuring quietly to one another. Tears were beginning to form in the tom's eyes, and he fell gratefully into his clanmate's soft feathered wings.

As Smokesong surveyed the Medicine Den one last time, she felt icy claws grip her chest. Something about it still made her think of Dawnclaw, even though she and Roseflight shared the den now. It was just that the Medicine Cat had always been there, ever since Smokesong had been a kit. Even though she'd completely changed the den around, Dawnclaw's sinister aura still seemed to wreathe around the place.

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