"friend zone"

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Chapter 3



-Lisa has been there every time I'm sad, feeling down, she always makes things light and flip my mood from gloom to bloom, she might be unintentionally doing it but she take the part of my dream partner, she's sweet and caring, she really know how to treat a woman, that might be the reason why ''B*tches'' go crazy on her,, I hate it so much, I want all of them disappear,, and I want her to see me,

''Lisa~~ I uhm. I like you. please go out with me.

--Irine I'm sorry. you're my friend and I don't want to hurt you...

''why would I get hurt??

''I'm not a good guy Irine. you do know how I was in all relationships right... there is too many out there that deserve you...

''but- I want you,

--I'm so-sorry...


-she's my ultimate crush... my puppy love, my teenage love...

-she's my first love... and as far as I know my one great love... I just can't take my eyes off her... but she's also my first heart break, she dumps me several times...  I knew why she can't accept me... she clearly stated before that she doesn't trust herself that won't hurt me and that she can't lose me as her friend.....

-honestly, I would allow her to hurt me ravish me or even humiliate me, whatever pleasures her, I may be a masochist but it's all about it, I'm all for her,

-it hurts. knowing that she can't look at me like the other women she been with, I envy them, even if she doesn't take them seriously~ they were still had a chance to latch over her... to hold her to ''kiss her'' I've been dreaming of the day that her lips will touch mine...


ROSE: are you still thinking about Lisa??

IRINE: you know I always think about her.

ROSE: aiishh.. bae, I told you. you have to forget about her... she cared about you that's why she can't accept your feelings...

IRINE: I know that. it's just... every time I see her with different women that she plays with, I can't help but to envy them...

ROSE: envy them?? do you also want Lisa to just use you and treat you like a toy, you know how she is, she never took them seriously. she didn't even fall in love yet.

IRINE: how about her fiancé'~~?

ROSE: well~~ that is something that is already planned years ago... Lisa was aware of her faith, its also the reason why she's like this.

IRINE: (sigh) I wish I was that person,

ROSE: hey~~ are you planning to sulk all day?? come on,

--yes, I do wish that I can be that person's place, being arranged to Lisa even if she don't feel the same way to be, as long as I can be with her,, I can't understand myself as well, why I am so attached to her,, and I am so jealous right now,, whoever that person maybe, I really wish I can take her place,,




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