Seulgi's heart

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Annyeong!! Annyeong!!💛💙💜

Seulrine in the house😘



anger.. hatred, envy.. worst feelings that a person could keep. consumed with an excessive emotion that unable to control, blinded in the sense of why other people always get what they wanted and feeling the lack of affection that she longed for...



-Irine bae.. the only person that brightens my day.. I've been in love with her since junior high.. but unfortunately she's head over hills for one of my best friends "Lisa" --she's popular at school and girls even boys are hitting on her...

-I confessed to Irine even before she let Lisa know how she felt for my friend but I was rejected right away.. she said that.. she can't love anyone else other than Lisa...
and Lisa was aware of my feelings for Irine.. so without asking she consider our friendship.. it's just that Irine always has a cold shoulder for me...
-honestly I envy Lisa even before.. I mean her life status.. she can get anything she want and she's surrounded with people that is waiting for her attention.. and she also have the heart of the person I love...

-she's my friend and I love her.. but I'm so jealous.../

-yesterday afternoon I was looking for Irine.. and I found her coming out from the women's shower room.. She looks so devastated.. I was about to come closer to her when I saw Jennie right behind her...
I didn't hear what they are talking about but.. Irine slump on the floor after Jennie left..

--I don't want to get into their business but the way Irine was so downfolded makes me wanted to know what Jennie told her...



-Irine has been drowning herself in alcohol.. As soon as Jennie was out of sight I went to get her.. she has been bawling her eyes out.. I feel  so helpless seeing her like this..

IRINE: what's wrong with me seul..? am I not that pretty enough for her?.. do I have to act all b*tchy like her other sluts...just for her for to give me affection like them?...tell me what I should do?.

SEULGI: (sigh) Irine... there is nothing wrong with you.. in fact your so perfect.. your beautiful.. your kind and smart.. that's only one person you're referring to.. if you roam your eyes.. You can see that there's a lot of people around you waiting for your attention... and... I'm one of them...

-she looked at me like she never heard those words before...

IRINE: why me seul..? can't you see... I'm drown for your friend.. and I don't even know if I can still survive....

SEULGI: I've been asking the same question Irine.. why her?... I can treat you better.. I will do my very best so I can't see you cry again.. I can't promise you the world... but I can be anyone that you want me to be Irine.. just please give me a chance...

-I don't know if my speech reached her.. but I was drowned to the orb that's piercing on me.. she leans closer and touches my cheeks...

IRINE: I'm broken seul.. are you willing to fix me?

SEULDGI: anything for you...




?: you will be mine Jennie.. I can't wait for the day that I can lay my hand on you.. and I will make sure that you will forget that dyke!.

--lurking in his dark room while lathering his hands to Jennie's pictures that he placed in his wall...

?: you're so gorgeous my love.. ugh.... your lips and your body belong only for me!!

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