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Akutagawas phone vibrated in his pocket. He excused himself from the conversation he was having with kunikida and checked It. His eyebrow rasied in confusion when he noticed atsushi sent him a random location. Then it clicked to him and he bolted out the door leaving kunikida confused.

Akutagawa ran to the location stumbling over his feet as he came to a stop Infront of the alley. Akutagawa got an uneasy feeling as unwanted memories started to come back. He took a deep breath and walked in hoping that atsushi was fine."Atsushi? Love?" Akutagawa called out. He then walked further in noticing a tuff of gray hair from behind a garbage he walked over to it."god damnit atsushi..." Akutagawa muttered wiping atsushis mouth off before gently picking him up.atsushi hummed and hissed in pain gritting his teeth. Akutagawa noticed how wet atsushi shirt was but it was black so he couldn't see what it was till a strong sent of iron hit him. He winced and looked at his hand witch was covered in blood."SHIT, why couldn't you just go to the hotel your health is far more important then this stupid grudge..."akutagawa complained carrying atsushi out the alley.

Making it to the hotel he took off atsushis shirt before laying him down.  Akutagawa Walked into the bathroom grabbing a towel and running it under warm water. He cleaned the blood off atsushi ,noticing a hole In his side he made sure to clean it before wrapping atsushi up. He sat beside atsushi and sighed."aku.." atsushi muttered akutagawa turned to him."who...who did it?" Atsushi asked and sat up."careful, who did what?" Akutagawa asked confused."who assaulted you..." Atsushi rephrased akutagawa breathing hitched."I..I told you he was new I don't know who he is" akutagawa said atsushi placed his hand on akutagawas cheek."then describe him" atsushi said akutagawa stared at atsushi for a moment scared of what he might do to that man but part of him was thrilled to see him suffer." He had dirty blonde hair stoping to his waist... and dark purple eyes...a mole on his left cheek..and he smelt like coffee." Akutagawa explained atsushi nodded." How did he get you... Did he disable your ability or something like that?" Atsushi asked akutagawa shook his head."he read threw my files and knew how my ability worked so he burning my clothes off my body before I could use rashomoun to protect myself " akutagawa explained atsushi moved his hand and winced. "What ever you do atsushi I want to be there but please wait till your healthy" akutagawa said atsushi smiled"I promise I will"


Chuuya was sitting on his couch his knees to his chest as tears slowly streamed down his face. "He hated me... I spent so long looking for him just for him to hate me" chuuya muttered gripping his hair."he's just ungrateful" dazai said walking into chuuya's house chuuya glared at him."leave...I don't want to see you... ever again" chuuya said dazai closed the door and walked to chuuya."listen your lucky that hes even alive he risks his life every day and so stupidly at that." Dazai said chuuya looked confused." What are you going on about?" He questioned. "I'm say that atsushi has been on a pretty stupid quest these past few years." Dazai stated "stupid how..." Chuuya said. "Oh welllll he's been killing off every mafia organization in the world" dazai said leaning back and flopping onto the couch."WHAT!?" Chuuya yelled dazai shrugged "it's not that big of a deal" he said chuuya stared at him." Not that big of a deal!? Mori must want his head by now". Chuuya said dazai glanced at him." I mean besides you and me no one else knows so mori dosent know who to go after" dazai stated laying his head back. "He's killing thousands of mafia men yet mori dosent know?" Chuuya questioned." He kills them before they can go say anything soooo." Dazai trailed off. "Then how do you know" chuuya asked dazai glanced at him again." I don't know for sure it's just a guess." Chuuya stood up and walked away going to grab his phone. " I have to make things right I know deep down he'll forgive me" chuuya said.

Atsushi was sitting on akutagawas lap when his phone rang an unfamiliar number. "Who's this" he questioned akutagawa peaked over his shoulder reading the number." That's chuuya San" he said atsushi face went cold as he stared at the phone ringing in his hand." love give him a chance". Akutagawa said atsushi glared at him."give dazai San a cHaNce" atsushi mocked akutagawa pushed atsushi to the floor."owwww I didn't mean ittttt.." atsushi whined as akutagawa death glared him rashomoun flaring up." Dazai will never be forgiven..." Akutagawa muttered then took a deep breath. "But you and chuuya San need eachother." Akutagawa said atsushi stood up "no I need you" atsushi said dusting himself off." Atsushi he's still your dad even if it was for 4 years you still thought of him as a dad, he spent years looking for you, come one just give him one last chance" akutagawa said and used rashomoun to pick up atsushis phone and hand it to him. Atsushi stared at it. He then grabbed it and dialed the number back.



Atsushi... I'm sorry we got off on the wrong end back in the agency but please can we...try again?

What do you want exactly

Nothing big I promise I just want to meet up

When and where?

Wait you actually want to...

Yeah... I think it's best we try to work things out now hurry before I change my mind

Uhhh how about the sweet cat cafe by the Mall tomorrow at 5?

Uhh yeah that works

Great I'll see you then

Atsushi hung up and looked at akutagawa who had a small smile on his face."see that wasn't so bad".

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