17 1 0

Before I even step into the room, I have to duck my head as—oh my, is that someone's arm? At that moment, I decided maybe school wasn't for me; I wasn't even planning on going to college anyway.

Turning away from the door, fully prepared to leave, I failed to notice there was a person behind me the whole time. The person raises an eyebrow before speaking.

"Are you the new student? You just got here, and you're already leaving?" He shakes his head, smirking and extending his hand. "Welcome to my class, kid."

I had to hold back a scream when I realized who I was looking at—Belzebul, my teacher is Belzebul. My teacher is America's 5th-ranked pro hero!

I stutter as I reach up to shake his hand, trying to form an excuse to leave, but he laughs it off, telling me to get inside.

As we enter the classroom, I notice a kid with a giant mallet and a missing arm yelling at another person running away—a shorter person whose face is half-skull, half-skin.

I hear Belzebul sigh from behind me, muttering about it being too early for this. Belzebul moves to the two running teens before an anvil falls and drops on Mallet Boy! I'm floored; it's not even 8 AM, and so much is already happening. Belzebul snatches the two by their uniform shirts, yelling at them for it being only 7:45, and tells Mallet Boy to peel his arm off the wall in the hallway.

Our teacher huffs before telling everyone to sit down; I move to the seat placed for me on one side of the classroom.

Belzebul pinches the bridge of his nose before shaking his head and turning to the board.

"As all of you may have noticed by now, we have a new student today," he says, finishing writing on the smartboard. There is a word underlined and circled as well: "Training."

He turns back to face us. "You all already know the drill; get your gym uniforms on and get to the bus for base training," he finishes, and everyone starts to get up.

Belzebul motions for me to come over; I rise from my seat and head toward his desk. He hands me a gym uniform wrapped in plastic. "This is your gym uniform; everyone's is specialized to bring out the most in their quirk, and since yours is a mutator, yours can stretch easily." He gives me the uniform, patting my head. "The locker rooms are down the hall to the right. I'll send one of your classmates to take you downstairs so don't worry about that."

He ushers me out the door, telling me I have 10 minutes to get ready.

I hear a knock at the door, and I go to open it.

Standing on the other side is a tall girl with curly hair and scales on her face. She smiles at me, introducing herself as Damini.

Damini Keita

Quirk: Komodo Dragon

This quirk gives the user characteristics of a Komodo dragon, including fast sprint speed, venom bite, heavy muscle mass, and enhanced strength.

"Mr. Takenada wanted me to pick you up so we could go to Base 0. I know how confusing these hallways are, especially since you're new, so I can show you around after training!" she says, stepping aside so I can exit the locker rooms. Damini and I head towards the school's first floor, where the rest of the class is waiting by a bus.

We both step on and take our seats as the bus starts. There's a rising chatter as everyone converses with their friends.

I feel a tap on my shoulder; when I turn, Damini asks what my quirk is, and the rest of the class nods.

My hands unconsciously fiddle with the fabric of my uniform.

I hadn't spoken with anyone about my quirk since the talk with the principal of our school. My quirk was one that people might consider a villain's quirk; eldritch possession wasn't something people would associate with a pro hero. It was a quirk outcast by people who believed quirks like Pro Hero DynaMight's or Deku's were better suited to be heroes.

I didn't want my new classmates to hate me for something I couldn't control.

I didn't speak, but nobody noticed my silence because of an outburst from a girl.

"Can't you idiots see they're overwhelmed?" she smacks her lips at them, crossing her arms. "Let them talk about their quirk when they feel comfortable enough to do so; y'all did the same exact thing to Gabe when he first came here," she finishes.

Carmen Reizer

Quirk: None?

Huh, that's new!

Mr. Takenada tells us to quiet down as we approach Base 0, the building looming over the bus.

I know there's no way around what's to come, but the sinking feeling in my stomach doesn't quell.

The bus halts in front of Base 0...

MHA-XARIA HIGH (CURRENTLY BEING RE-WRITTEN!)Where stories live. Discover now