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My class stands in our waiting room, spirits high, yet tense.
We knew we'd have to do our best today, no matter what.

We looked up to the TV, seeing Mr.Morales and Mr.Takenada, both in the announcer stands. The camera pans to the large areas that we'd be competing in for this year.

"Xaria Academy, Class 3-17, out on the field in 5!" The robotic voice says over the intercom. With heavy legs and drumming hearts, we exit the waiting room, but I am stopped. I turn to see Kenji, the curly haired boy having a certain glint in his eyes.

"Don't think I'll go easy on you, L/N." He says, not glaring, but not smiling either. "This Gala is meant for those who'll use everything they've GOT. if you don't wanna use your quirk, just drop out now." He finishes, a heavy but motivating tone to his words.

"You won't have to worry about me." I push his hand away from my shoulder, a determined look in my eyes as we stare each other down.
Kenji smirks, tilting his head. "Who said I was worried? See you on the field, you damn geek."

The classes of xaria congregate around the large platform in the middle of the field, which is occupied by a large wheel and

"What's Ms.Anotidaishe doing up there?" Nariko wonders aloud. But that's not what I was worried about, no,


Imoni Anotidaishe,
Hero name: Seraphim

Quirk: Angelic hold!
This quirk allows users to speak words that anyone in the near vicinity must obey, but it must always start with the sentence: 'be not afraid'

"To start off the quirk gala, Ms.Serphim will spin that there wheel, and whichever color it lands on will have a specific game for each round!"

Mr.morales explains, as cheery as always. "But first, we will have our class representative step up to the podium and give a speech for good spirits." Mr.Takenada speaks after, allowing the first rep, a kid from class 3-15, to step up to the microphone.

"..." He juts his thumb out, pointing it to the ground. "You bunches of ants will be crushed by my class, so don't even think about trying today." He grimaced after, like he's disgusted by the mere thought.

Dead silence follows, before the students begin to shout, an uproar of anger over...well, that insane speech [if you could even call that a speech]

"Well, that certainly got spirits up, even if by anger...? Does that even count?" Mr.morales scratches his head, continuing. "Well, thank you, Mr. Archer, for your...ehem...your words. Ms.Seraphim, you may spin the wheel!" She gives it a large push, colors flashing before our eyes. It slows to a stop, starting with...a duo sack race.

"Sack race? Hey, that sounds fun!" Mr.morales exclaims. Mr.Takenada pipes up again, a smirk in his voice.

"But, there's a challenge. You and your partner must race through a course filled with traps, bombs, and...other things as well." He chuckles, no doubt having a smug look on his face.

"Only the first 200 pass to the next phase of the gala. Each of you will get a randomly chosen partner. The only rules you have to follow are not deliberately injuring another player."
Uh oh

We line up, standing in potato sacks that have seen better days. My partner is a boy from one of the other classes. He introduced himself to me as Ichigatani kamo.
His quirk has something to do with his skin.

"We have a bit of time for planning, Y/N. What should or can we do to win this race?" Ichigatani inquires, pushing his glasses back up. I brainstormed for a moment, thinking about what our quirks can do for us to win.

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