01 - doubt is a viscous thing.

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The plans for the school were advancing smoothly, seemingly perfect for reforming heroes and the offspring of slayers. Principal Jae Mang-Jeol, at just 19 years old, orchestrated everything. Xaria Academy, nestled in the small town of Astra Point with only 12,000 inhabitants, boasted at least 1600 students.

Momotaro clutched the sink's edge, the dried shaving cream on his face cracking. It was 5:00 AM, time to get ready for work—time to get ready for work—time to get ready... His own reflection sneered back at him, mocking and accusing.

"You know what you're doing is wrong."

The reflection grinned maliciously, teeth glinting. That wasn't Momotaro. He was a hero, a good person.
"Heroes are meant to be virtuous, Momotaro."
It taunted, its grin widening.
"You agreed to this for a selfish reason."

The sink groaned under his grip, the rushing water deafening.
"Not selfish. It was necessary, you don't understand."
His reflection cackled, head tilting.
"You only tell yourself that to deal with the guilt. One day, you will see the pained faces of families that have lost their children to a cause you were a part of."

That could never happen. Xaria needed to succeed. Everything depended on this plan. It had to mean something. It did mean something. There was no room for doubt.

"Uncle...the sink is overflowing." Momotaro jerked around, meeting Surya's gaze. Surya recoiled, unsettled by the wild, bloodshot eyes of his uncle. Without a word, he averted his gaze and hurried out of the bathroom. Momotaro released his grip on the sink, noticing the slight crack. He shut off the water, stepping back into the growing puddles beneath his feet.

This sacrifice, this fear, it all had to count for something.

Muscle memory guided him to clean up the mess. His mind raced with tasks. He was a hero—he had to act like one. He had to act. He had to..t-to...

"What do you mean? Of course, we're proceeding with the plan, Beelzebul." Principal Mang-Jeol's smile was reassuring.
"You've always been dependable. This is just a rough patch you'll overcome."

Momotaro trusted Jae. He wouldn't deceive him over this. He'd rebound, return to his values. This was their routine. Momotaro would doubt, and Jae would restore his faith, like a prophet to his followers.

"Now go, I have meetings. You wouldn't want to be bored with all of this buisness talk, would you?" Jae smiles warmly

"No, sir."

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