5 0 8

I look down at my hands, thinking, thinking so hard, I think my brain might just melt.

"Why did we all lose?"
The answer to the question evaded me, and I decided not to ponder on it anymore. Instead, I turn to Alex, the boy inhaling the dry ass lunch food as if he'd been starved for days.

"Damn." I speak, looking at him with disbelief on my face. "Is it good??"
Alex pulls the now meatless chicken bone out of his mouth, pulling a lightskin face as he answers.
"Very much so, yes." ...I tried my best to stay serious, but I couldn't help but laugh, watching as he licked his fingers clean for comedic effect.

"Y/N." Surya calls out, sitting adjacent to damini on the other side of the table our class was assigned to. I tilt my head, waiting for him to answer.
"Don't you think it was weird how those villains found us? I mean, Xaria is no U.A, but...our security isn't so bad that villains would be able to get into ground 0 without anyone knowing." he says, his eyes flicker to his food, then to me for a moment.

"especially since there's a barrier around all bases 0-3, so nobody can get in without proper authorization."
I am confused, especially since he just...said that to me out of the blue, but the more i think about it, the more sense it makes.

"You're right." I eventually respond, my eyes trailing to the dry lunch food as I think. "It' really weird. I mean, how would they be able to get in?"
"There could be a rat." A girl says, Nariko, I think her name was.


"I mean, think about it!" She says, taking a bite of mashed potatoes. "I know Xaria is supposed to be some prestigious super academy, but most of the people in here are from behavior correctional facilities since it focuses on 'villainous quirks' or whatever." The girl explains, moving her hands for emphasis she speaks.

"What's stopping a kid working with villains from coming here as a double agent?" She finishes, going back to her mashed potatoes. By now, our table has quieted down because what both Surya and nariko said was true.
How would we know, anyway?

"And-" Alex says, tilting his head to the side. "It makes more sense since da American hero committe made that 'Villains are now killable' Law. I mean, imagine being a villain an hearing all of your friends chat about being able to kill people you work with? Thata suck."
Alex says, shrugging, Kenji shakes his head, however, holding up his finger.

"Pause, we ain't allowed to go out killing villains as soon as we see them now. it's under special circumstances, and only heroes with licenses can, anyone else gets fined and 50-life." Kenji clarifies.

"That still doesn't mean they can come all up in our shit." Tamiir says with a scowl on his face. "You chose to be a villain,you coulda turned your life around, like we -" he pauses, waving his hand around the cafeteria filled with students "did. reap what you sow." He finishes, drinking his juice box angrily.

His words were harsh, but he had a point. These students at Xaria, most being from horrible crime, home, and school life in the past from quirks, came here to change for the better. It was possible.

"But-" Rose says, her head in her hand as she looks up to the class. "What if the person is forced to be a snitch? I mean, it's happened before, remember that one Japanese pro hero? Can't Stop Twinkling?" She recalls, her head tilted. "His parents were working with that All for one terrorist, and they forced him to go to U.A as a Spy." Rose explains herself, and that makes sense too.

"That'd be sad," Lousie says, his wings flattening to his back. "Nunca volvería a hablar con mis padres."

"Me either, honestly, why use your kid as a pawn? He probably felt like shit when his friends found out, I wouldn't be able to handle it." Kenny agrees, his tail flicks behind him "I'd honestly become an orphan at that point cause no way in hell." Kenny shakes his head after, his ears flop against his head.

"But why though?" I ask, trying to rationalize why any parent would make such a decision "I mean, why would they use their son like that? He probably never forgave himself."

"I heard it was because all for one gave him that cool quirk he has, in return for him to grow up and go to U.A as a spy. If he didnt, AFO would have blown up his parents" Damini answers. "Now that's just crazy, he got set up from the get go." Alex says after his sister, crossing his arms. "That poor kid had no way to even refuse, he had to betray his friends an everything."

"But," Surya says, a faint smile on his usually stoic face. "It's really cool how he still came out of that. He really was determined to be a hero no matter what."

"That reminds me of us, in a way."

This chapter was mostly focused on dialog and world building! I'm trying to get readers used to a new set of classmates since most of you are used to the my hero cast! More action scenes are coming soon! :D

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