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Did you hear me? 

You'll be fine, kay?

Every hero loses before they win, which makes us so strong. 

--POV Y/N L/N--

It's been a few months since I joined this school,  and I've never been happier about being accepted for me. But today, I felt down, something that happens every so often

I lazily drag my pencil across the paper, finishing the Algebra worksheet we were supposed to be done with a few days ago...I'm a terrible procrastinator. Still, at least I finished it, right?

I glance up at the clock, watching it tick, tick tick. 

I was so bored, and it seemed as if the rest of the class was too, including Mr.Takenada, who was currently throwing a ball into the air and catching it, a neutral look on his face before he suddenly stops. 

"Get up, all of you. We're going outside." He says suddenly, standing up with a stretch. "If I have to spend one more minute in here I'm gonna go crazy!" He opens the door, motioning for us to follow

Surya rolls his eyes at his uncle, and Louise tilts his head " he allowed to take us outside in the middle of class?" The moth boy asks quietly, fiddling with his uniform vest. Kenji shrugs, a smirk on his face. "don't know, but I'm not gonna argue with it." He says, following after his uncle. The rest of us stand, following behind our teacher as he leads us to the courtyard.

Once we get outside, we are hit with a large gust of wind. has Chicago always been so windy?  I mean, I'm used to it by now, but today it seemed to be a bit much, as demonstrated when Alex nearly blows away. Mr.Takenada has a large smile on his face, the wind seemingly not phasing the large man in the slightest. 

"That's more like it! Okay, you all are allowed to do whatever, but make sure it's not illegal." He waves us off, Moving to stretch his wings out.

I walk over to a bench, resting my head against the armrest as I watch my classmates roughhouse and enjoy each other's company. I wanted to join them, but I wasn't feeling too great today, a heavy feeling in my heart, but the reason is unknown. I just wanted to drift away.

Someone sits on the bench next to me, and soon I feel a palm on my head, a warm hand, but not too heavy. "Bad day?" Nariko asks, gazing out at our friends. I nod numbly, closing my eyes. I hear her sigh, shifting to rub my back. "hm, that sucks, right? I know the feeling, just wishing you could lie down and never get up again." She mutters, drawing shapes on my back with her fingers.

"When I get into those moods, I like to think. I know I feel defeated, I don't know why I do. What can motivate me to feel better?" She says, shifting a bit again. "What makes you happy, Y/N?" She questions, stopping her hand, just letting it rest as she turns to look at me with a soft smile. "Do you like to draw, or read? Does eating or exercising make you happy?" She pauses and tilts her head. "Do we make you happy? 

Do they? I...I think so, I think my classmates make me feel nice.

"...I..I think you guys make me happy." Nariko smiles warmly, reaching her arms out.

"You make us happy too, N/N."

As Nariko hugged me, I thought like she did. I thought about my parents, about my teachers.

but, I really thought about my classmates, my friends. I think they made me more than happy. they make me laugh, they make me feel loved. Like I belonged. 

I feel tears well in my eyes, a lump forming in my throat as I hugged her back.

"Thank you.." I whisper, sniffling. I hear Nariko laugh softly, rubbing my back. "No need to thank me, it's what heroes are supposed to do."

"We help others when they need us the most."

MHA-XARIA HIGH (CURRENTLY BEING RE-WRITTEN!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora