Subject K, Takehiro Tagami

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Project Fierce Wings is coming along smoothly, the wings have manifested on the child's body, although, it cannot use them yet. We are waiting for further intel from C.R.R

"Doctor Tanaka?" A woman calls from the doorway, and the aforementioned doctor turns with a questioning look in his eyes

"Yes, Aimi? What is it?" He asks, noting the woman's nervous look, and shaky hands. "Subject K has lost his quirk, or well, the mobility and power the Fierce Wings quirk should have granted him. It mutated differently than what would have been expected, into an entirely different quirk."

Doctor Tanaka drops his cup of coffee, hurriedly following Nurse Aimi out of the room and into the Patient's chambers, passing multiple cells with different people and children were kept.

Finally, they make it to cell number 3-17 where a small child is being kept, their blue wings facing the bars.

"Takehiro, look at me." Nurse Aimi instructs, a slight frown forming on her face as the child does not turn, or move at all. Doctor Tanaka has a scowl on his face, pressing buttons on the door to unlock the cell. He steps forward, tapping his shoe on the back of the child, angrily muttering when they don't turn around. "Takehiro, get up. You know what happens when you don't listen to us." Nurse Aimi speaks again, walking forward to stand next to Doctor Tanaka. Once again, the small child doesn't do much as make a peep, staring directly at the ground. Doctor Tanaka has had enough, snatching the kid up by the arm, popping it out of place while doing so. The child begins to weep, their thin arm twisted the wrong way, slowly turning purple as Doctor Tanaka continues to drag them to the blue room, Nurse Aimi not far behind.

"Let me go!" The child pleads, their shaggy and matted brown hair sticking to their face from sweat. "I'm sorry for not listening-" Suddenly, their face jerked to the left, a bright handprint forming. "Shut up." Nurse Aimi hisses, her golden eyes narrowed. "We already warned you of what would happen. Now face the consequences." The child's eyes go glossy, a distant look forming as they begin to zone out, numbly following behind their tormenters as they all reach the blue room.

Deku stands up, a hefty sigh leaving his mouth as he and his fellow heroes arrive at their destination. Corporation Revive, Reuse, the largest recycling company in Japan, responsible for the high levels of clean air they had today. Ingenium places his hand on his longtime friends shoulder, giving the green-haired man a determined nod. "Let us go, Midoriya-Kun. There are people in there that need a hero to save them." He says, removing his hand from Deku's shoulder, Motioning for Chargebolt and Earphone jack to follow him to the main entrance

Deku watches, a solemn look on his face before he follows.

Doctor Tanaka throws the small child into the blue room, Booting up the system. He stares through the one-way glass at the shaking juvenile, Knowing he had to do this in the name of science, this needed to happen.

DynaMight blows a hidden door from its hinges, Uravity and Alien Queen rush in after him.

The child's eyes grow wide, watching as a giant machine begins to power to life, their amber eyes filling with tears.

Red Riot plows through a large metal bolted vault door, just as Chargebolt shuts off all cameras in the facility, allowing him and Sugarman entry to the underground lab.

"Hold still, Takehiro. You won't feel a thing." Doctor Tanaka speaks into the intercom, Not helping calm the child in the slightest.

Tsukuyomi and dark shadow help round up the test subjects, save for one, Subject K. "One's missing." Shoto says through his earpiece. "The hawks clone, I think."

A loud buzzer rings through the facility, and the small child watches as the large mechanical needle rises up, ready to extract.

Deku and Setback make it through the facility, opening door after door, searching for the last clone.

3....2...1 With a flash of grey, the large needle shoots through the child easily, extracting the DNA of Keigo Takami from the child's scrawny body, life draining from their eyes instantly.

Deku subdues Doctor Tankaka, Sending a blow to his head, which knocks him out instantly. His green eyes land on Setback. The white-haired teen stares through the one-way window at the blue-winged child, her red eyes glossy with tears. "Were we too late?" She asks, turning to look at Deku.

"..." He says nothing, pressing the button to open the doors to the blue room. Setback looks at him for a moment, before making her way over to the child.

she presses her palm against their cold head, the large horn on her forehead glowing yellow as she resets their body.

The child doesn't move.

Her lip quivers, large tears forming in her eyes. She tries to wake them, and nothing happens. Deku comes in a moment later, a solemn look on his face as Eri turns to look at him, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I-I Tried to I couldn't-" Izuku gives the girl a hug, shielding her from the corpse as she cried. "I didn't want anyone else to suffer like I did.. I couldn't save him.." She shakily says through her sobbing.

Izuku's eyes drift over to the child, staring with tired eyes. "You did all you could, and sometimes that's all we can do as heroes. We can't save everybody." he mutters, placing one hand on her shoulder. "Go regroup with everyone else. I'll be with you all soon, Alright?" He says, wiping her tears with a smile. Setback nods, standing up and heading out the door. Deku's smile falls instantly, as he gets up, going over to Doctor Tanaka. He stands over the now awake man, a shadow cast over his features

"You know I hate having to do this," Izuku speaks, his tone cold, unlike how warm it is normally. Doctor Tanaka looks up at him in fear, scooting backward. Izuku follows, trapping him in between his large body and a wall. "But sometimes, we have to eliminate monsters like you, permanently. What you did to that child, is unjustifiable. So we'll call this even, okay?" Izuku says, raising his leg up, the glowing lines from one for all seen through his hero suit.

"Say Hello to All for One for me, Will you?"

Deku returns to Takehiro a bit later, gently picking up the small juvenile. He smiles a bit, noticing the faint heartbeat. He carries the child out of the room, making sure to shake the blood from the bottom of his shoe as he does.

"You made it, Blue Bird."

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