23: Beth

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a/n Are you ready?

Later that night...

I apply one more flick of mascara before screwing the lid closed. My reflection stares back at me in the mirror. I suck in my cheeks and pucker my lips and tilt my head up. I look like a frog and burst out laughing, snorting in the process. After my laughter dies down I put away all of my make up and go back into my room to get my phone off of the charger.

I double click my home button and swipe away Pandora, PCH by Jaden Smith slowly fades out and I frown. The time is 9:16 PM and Louis still isn't here to pick me up. Oh yeah, I did eventually accept his offer for his party. I didn't invite any of my friends though. Louis and I go to different schools but we're really close friends, it's weird.

"Beth! Beth! Someone is at the door for you!" I hear my mom call from downstairs. I quickly shove my feet in my shoes and put my phone in my back pocket. I then run down the stairs and nearly trip on the last stair.

"Shit!" I say under my breath but of course my mom hears me anyway.

"Beth, shit belongs in the toilet not your mouth!" she says and ruffles me on the head while passing me to go into the kitchen. I roll my eyes as I fix my hair back. I finally make it to the front door and open it to see Louis leaning on my doorframe trying to look cool.

"Be back back 12 young lady, have a hoppin' time!" my mom calls from the kitchen I quickly close the door shut behind me. Louis bursts out laughing and kicks himself off the doorframe then the weirdo puts his arm around my shoulder. I immediately pinch my nose from the stench of weed.

"God, Louis you're lucky you didn't walk in or I would never be leaving." I say as I remove his arm from my shoulder. He just chuckles and gets into his car, I follow. He's probably too high to answer.


"Okay, here." Louis says as he abruptly stops the car and shuts it off. I nearly got the car door knocked off its' hinges because I opened it so fast. Louis literally did not play one song the whole way here, I could not wait to get out of that car. Anyway I followed him up the sidewalk and stopped when he began walking up some steps that led to this huge house. I mean it looked like one of those frat houses, minus the dumb jocks and groupies.

"You comin'?" Louis calls back to me once he sees me not following. I nod and swallow then follow him into the house. We are immediately engulfed in bodies, dancing, drinking, smoking, sitting, I swear I saw a couple f.ucking in the corner. This is definitely not the movies I told my mom I was going to.

"This is your own party Lou?" I semi-yell over the music as Louis leads me into the kitchen to get me a beer, he said I needed to loosen up some. I can't hear him laugh but I can tell because he does the little bent head forward and shake of the head thing.

"Yup, didn't know I was so famous huh?" Louis says when we finally get to the kitchen of the huge house. I scoff, what? Louis famous? That's a laugh. He pouts but gives me a beer and pops the cap off for me. I've never been good at getting the caps off of beers, I thank him. Soon, I'm on my third beer and I am starting to feel the effects.

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