Ch. 17: A Late Night Visitor

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    You woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a loud banging against your door. You sniffled, your nose being stuffy from all the snot you had created from crying yourself to sleep.

"Who is it?" You groaned, the dull ache in your head causing you to wince.

"Open the door." His gruff voice gave him away instantly.

You rolled back over and looked at your wall. "Go away Vegeta."

"I had so much more planned tonight. Please open the door," he sighed, taking a moment to soften his tone. "Please. I won't make any more moves or anything; you have my word."

You got up slowly, grunting as you swung your legs over the side of the bed. You made your way to your desk, eyeing the tissue box on it. You blew your nose into one and tossed it, fixing your hair and opening the door. Your eyes widened in shock when you saw him, completely taken aback by the scene in front of you.

"What... are you wearing?"

He bristled, glancing away and tapping his foot. "Common people's clothes."

"I can... I can see that." He was standing there in dark black leggings, with a black and gold chest plate with white trim. His tail was wrapped tightly around his waist and he fidgeted with his hands behind his back. Laying across the shortened shoulder pads was a bunched up white cloak, the cape covering the left half of his body while his hood lay against his back.

"We're going out. Get changed."

"What do you mean 'going out?'"

"Outside. We're going to sneak out."

You blinked a few times before you yanked him into your room and shut the door. "You can't just announce stuff like that! You're the prince! If I leave it's no big deal but if it turns out I snuck you out I'm so dead." You began to run your hands through your hair, your stress from everything reaching a breaking point.

"Hey hey hey," He whispered quietly, carefully taking your hands in his and holding onto them gently. Your eyes shot to his as he continued, "I realized that and I already covered all the bases. I want you to show me the streets at night like you talked about."

You cocked your head at him, doubt coating your words."You got it covered?"

"Your friend cucumber or whatever is pretending to be you and Kakarot agreed to pretend to be me for the night. If anyone comes to talk to them before morning, which they won't," he added slowly. "Someone will be in my room."

You sat down on your bed and looked at the floor, head in your hands. "We are so dead."

"No one is going to talk to him! We'll be fine." You pictured Goku spiking his hair up and walking around in Vegeta's armor while Cucumbe was no doubt stumbling over her words trying to make small talk with him. You snorted a bit and he gave you a look.

"Sorry, just thought of Goku trying to imitate you."

He frowned at that but didn't add anything else. "Are we going? I want you to take me to this 'karoke' you spoke of."

"Karaoke, and what are you gonna do if someone recognizes you?"

He slicked his hair back and pulled the hood over his head, the cloak casting a shadow over his features. "They won't."

"You actually want to go walk around with the lower class for fun? Are you sure you're Vegeta?"

"I admit I'm not necessarily excited for it but I didn't win the tournament tonight. Now get changed." He sat down on your bed and smirked at the flowers on your bedside table.

DBZ: The Princess Saga (Vegeta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now