Chapter- 1

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The students of Beacon Hills were overjoyed when the last bell rung, meaning they could finally go home. But they weren't just excited to go home. Their blood rapidly pumped through their hormonal, teenage bodies to go home for the weekend. But if that wasn't enough to get them going, one of the biggest highschool parties of the year was being thrown tonight by one of the most popular students. Scott McCall. Beacon Hills High own star lacrosse player was hosting the annual party he threw every year since he began highschool. Which he only does when his mom, Melissa is out on her annual three-day cruise to the Bahamas.

Scott prided his way from the crowed of raging students, he didn't exactly have to try very hard.

His best friend, Stiles jumped on him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Scott laughed on how crazy Stiles was acting. On the other hand, Stiles couldn't wait for tonight. Scott heard how fast his best friend's heart beat.

"Dude, you need to calm down!" Scott raised his voice amongst the other students.

"Calm- calm down, Scott? How can I calm down when you're throwing the biggest party of the year?" Stiles protested. Scott grinned at Stiles leading them both away from all the highschool commotion.

"Hey, I gotta go. Mom needs me back before she leaves".

Scott and Stiles said their goodbyes, knowing they'll meet later at the party. Scott drive his dirt bike home and Stiles hopped in his jeep.

Scott was in deep thought on his way home. He thought about what would make this party better than any other. Having this to be his last school year has a highschool student, Scott wanted to make this the best party ever.

Scott quickly reviewed the parties he had. Year one: He just threw a party using his fake ID to buy beer. Year two: He brought illegal fireworks. Year three: He jumped a ramp he built himself with his dirt bike. Scott wanted something amazing for his fourth and final year.

When Scott pulled in the drive way, he noticed something stranger. Well nothing he hasn't seen before, but he noticed a moving truck parked next door.

Scott saw two people unloading the truck, (a man and woman) bringing the stuff in their house. Scott smiled to himself, knowing those are his new neighbors.

Scott walked in his house catching his mom packing in the living room. "Hey, mom". "Hey, how was school?" she asked while trying to zip an overloaded duffle bag. Scott walked up to the bag and zipped it for her. She sighed, rubbing her forehead "thanks" she smiled at her her son.


A yellow cab pulled up.

Melissa started to rush grabbing her daily items. Cellphone, wallet, purse, etc. Before she walked out the door she told Scott-

"Oh, those are the knew neighbors. I've already greeted myself, and I told them about you. But, please be friendly and go say hi".

Scott wide smiled at his mother. She was always nervous about leaving.

"Mom!" Scott talked over her, catching her attention.

"Everything is going to be alright" Scott smiled then gently pecking his mom on the cheek.

Melissa calmed down, her shoulders went down. She smile wide at Scott. Scott helped her carry her bags to the cab.

Before Melissa took off she told Scott to use the emergency credit card for emergencies ONLY. Scott was getting annoyed of how much of a parent she was being.

"Mom.." Scott paused "have fun on your trip". Melissa smiled and said her last goodbyes to Scott. The cab took off.

Before Scott entered his house, his hearing heightened. His own heart rate started to escalate. He turned to his right where the neighbors lived, his new neighbors. He knew it was coming from there, but who was it? Scott looked over at the two people unloading the moving truck. He looked over at the women then men, it wasn't coming from them. He did hear a heart beat, but it wasn't the one he was searching for. He glared at the house, he heard the heart beat get louder. He looked at the top bedroom window. The beating was steady, but Scott sensed something different.

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