Chapter- 16

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"You- you are-" Liam started to back away, his face struck with fear. He couldn't get the words out of his mouth. Liam started to back away faster, falling off the boulder. He couldn't get himself on his feet, he just kept crawling back.

"Liam?" Scott stood up, going towards the startled teen.

"Sstay away from me!" Liam raised his voice, he slurped his 'S'. Scott stopped, putting his hands in front of him.

"Liam, I'm not going to hurt-" but Scott don't have time to finish because Liam was on his legs, dashing through the woods! Scott started to run after Liam on all fours!

Liam ran through the woods, snapping twigs every step of the way, turning his head back every few seconds even though he kept telling himself, don't look back. Liam was afraid. But, that fear turned into confusion once he realized he was lost. He stopped, scanning around. He didn't know where to run because it all looked the same way. Then, Liam heard a snap of a twig and crunching of leaves. A cold sweat broke from his forehead. His knees started to tremble. Liam wanted to yell for help, but he knew there was no use. Liam turned back at the sound of loud panting, and ruffling leaves. It was Scott. He had his head to the ground.

"Wha- what do you want?" Liam had a hard time saying.

"I don't want anything" Scott replied. Liam noticed the change in his voice. It seemed more tensed/strong. Liam didn't say anything for awhile. Scott heard the beating of Liam's heart, it wasn't as fast awhile ago. Liam watched has Scott raised his head, his eyes glowed the brightest red he's ever seem. Liam don't have much of a sight, but the moonlight that shone from the trees above Scott was enough to see his figure. Then, the silence broke.

"What are you?" Liam used all his strength to asked. Scott started to walk towards him, he backed away a few steps in fear, Scott stopped.

"I'm not going to hurt you; I'll never hurt you". Scott was hoping those words would calm Liam down, but he still heard the rapid heartbeat.

"Just- don't come near me" Liam's voice was shakey. Scott felt so guilty causing Liam fear.

"I just want to show you something" Scott said. "I want to show you who I am". Scott took a step forward, Liam didn't budge. Scott took a few more steps then, making sure if it was okay with Liam. Scott walked closer, inches from Liam. Liam had the moonlight to see just enough. Scott's eyes were burning a hole through Liam's. But, Liam noticed different features on Scott. Scott's face was roughly built. Hair extending from his sideburns to the other end. His fangs poked out from his lips. Liam flinched has Scott grabbed his hand, but calmed down moments later. Scott intertwined Liam's fingers with his, bringing their hands on their sight. Liam noticed the claws that drew from Scott's fingers, astonished from the sight. Scott laid Liam's hand upon his cheek. Liam felt the weird structure of Scott's jaw, tracing his hand back and forth.

"What are you?" Liam's voice was more stable, his breath hitting Scott's face.

"I'm a werewolf" Scott replied. "But, I'm still Scott". Liam forced a laugh, Scott smiled. "I know it may seem like I'm a monster, but I'm still Scott". Liam thought about the words Scott said. Liam stroked his fingertips along Scott's cheek to the back of his pointy ears. Scott reacted by turning his face to the side.

"You're not a monster" Liam's voice was tight but filled with emotion. It was something new for Scott to hear. "You're Scott". Liam moved his hand to Scott's cheek, guiding them both to a kiss. "Your lips, they feel different but they taste the same" Liam held his fingertips to his lips for a few moments. Then, the fire in Scott's eyes died out and Liam felt Scott's face return to its normal structure.

The two walked back to the view of Beacon Hills while holding hands. Scott guided Liam to the boulder, they both took a seat. Scott answered any questions Liam had. Scott loved how Liam got more and more fascinated with all of this. His eyes sparkled so bright. Liam kept asking Scott to show him his eyes. Scott wasn't annoyed from it, he loved seeing the smile on Liam's face. Liam seemed more surprised of the fact that Scott is an alpha. Liam felt like he was in some supernatural dream, and he never wanted to wake up.

The Lone Wolf (Sciam FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora