Chapter- 8

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I apologize in advance for any grammar errors. Enjoy reading :)

Two Days Later

Coach Finstock blew his silver whistle, getting everyone in the locker room's attention. Everyone in the locker room stopped what they were doing, glaring at Coach Finstock.

"I'm sure you all know about Stilinski" Finstock said. Scott put his head down then.

"Let's hope for the best and win tonight's lacrosse game for him" Coach Finstock said.

Scott didn't want Stiles to be mentioned because it always brought him down. Besides, the last two days have been off for Scott. There was no lead on this new monster in Beacon Hills and he hasn't seen Liam. Scott has seen Liam in the halls of school, but he would turn in the other direction not wanting to face Liam.

On the lacrosse field, two teams split up. This wasn't the real game just practice, but they needed practice. If they wanted to win tonight's game of course. Just then, Scott saw Liam talking with Coach Finstock. Liam wore lacrosse gear. Coach Finstock blew his whistle. Everyone, including Scott jogged towards the coach and Liam.

"Alright, listen up" Coach Finstock spoke. Scott eyed the grass not wanting to make eye contact with Liam. "This is Liam Dunbar and he wants to try out, if it were up to me I would have said no, but according to school code I have to let anyone try out". Liam started to pat down his gear, checking if it's intact correctly, obviously Coach Finstock made him nervous.

"McCall" Scott raised his head. "You're goalie, Liam you're offense" Coach blew the whistle, everyone was out on the field.

Scott took goalie, having a good eye on Liam from across the field. Coach Finstock watched patiently. Two people took a spot in front of Scott, going has defense against Liam. Scott never liked to use his wolf abilities when playing lacrosse, he thought of it has cheating.

On the other side of the field, Liam dragged deep breaths. He gripped his lacrosse stick tightly. He picked up the ball on the floor using the stick. He started to run then. Liam ran quickly not pushing all of his energy though. He came towards one of the guys, Liam turned to the left quickly doing a three-sixty, tricking the guys to the wrong direction. Then, Liam got to the next guy, pushing into him with his shoulder, Liam had to use up a lot of energy for that that guy. The adrenaline rushed through his veins, making him move faster.

Scott was surprised, but made sure to stand his post. He got ready, preparing himself. Liam just got closer and closer. Liam then lifted his feet from the air, making a one-eighty spin, launching the ball towards Scott. Scott tried to block it, but the ball hit the net. Liam made a goal. Scott was astonished and so was Coach Finnstock, and Scott was pretty sure everyone else was.

"Dunbar!" Finstock called out, Liam turned to the coach. "That was fantastic!" the coach yelled. Liam gave a huge smile, feeling proud of himself.

Scott took off his mask, looking at Liam for the first time in two days. Liam beamed at him, nodding at Scott. Liam gave a gentle smile then started to glare at the ground not wanting people to see him blush.

At Derek's loft the three relatives have been searching for answers. Peter went through the Beastiary, trying to find what he can. Malia just sat down, trying to figure out what it was. There hasn't been an attack since the girl in the hospital, but that doesn't mean she'll let her guard down. Derek, on the other hand was laying back on the couch eyes closed. It was quiet in the loft.

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