Chapter- 5

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Up in his bedroom, Liam was just finish his homework for the night. He glanced at the clock on his desk 12:06, Liam stretched exhausted. Liam undressed, slipping his pajamas on. He turned off the lights. Just when he was about to lie in bed, he heard a motor outside. Curious, he got out of bed, tuning on the light, he peaked through the window. He saw Scott getting off his bike, he looked really tensed, Liam thought. Liam watch Scott walk to his front door, reaching in his pocket for something, Scott pulled out a key. Sticking the key in the knob then, jerking it around opening the door. Liam wondered why Scott came home so late, Liam found Scott stranger. Right when Scott was about to walk in his house, he turned his gaze to Liam. Liam panicked, quickly moving from the window. He knew Scott saw him, but he didn't want to know if he actually did see him. Liam crawled on the floor over to his bed. He climbed into bed, covering himself in blanket. He tried to sleep, but it didn't exactly work out for him. He didn't want his neighbor to think he was some sort of stalker.

Over at the loft, Derek was left to clean up the mess Scott had made, Peter didn't bother to help Derek.

"He's powerful" Peter said to Derek while reading a book.

"Yeah Peter, I know that" Derek put the broom aside annoyed with Peter stating the obvious.

"It just took some resistance to gain control" Peter chirped.

"Peter, why did you come back?" Derek asked.

"Well that's not very nice to say to your uncle".

Derek didn't like the idea of Peter being here, well no one did. After all, Peter try to kill everyone.

"Just, don't try to kill everyone again" Derek spat at his uncle.

Peter gave a slight chuckle "No promises". Derek rolled his eyes.

It was the next morning when Scott heard rapid pounding. Jumping out of bed, Scott quickly slipped on his jeans. Scott didn't know why someone would be pounding so loud on the door. He ran downstairs, opening the door. It was the were-coyote, Malia Tate/Hale.

"M- Malia?" Scott had a puzzled look on his face, he didn't know why Malia was even here, last he knew, Malia was trying to find her mother, the Desert Wolf. Scott noticed that the coyote gave him a worried, sympathetic glance. Malia also held flesh wound on her thigh. Scott quickly dragged her in, setting her on the couch.

"You need to call Derek" Lydia reached for the house phone. Scott quickly held Malia back from the phone. "

"You need to calm down" Scott had a caring voice. He saw Malia's worried expression drop, she sighed. Scott checked Malia's thigh, it was still bleeding.

"What happened?" Scott asked.

"I don't know, something attack me last night, it hasn't healed since" Malia hissed when Scott put his hands on Malia's thigh, draining some of the pain away.

"Thanks" Malia said, Scott nodded in response. Scott grabbed his phone, calling Stiles.

"Who are you-".

"Stiles" Scott spoke to the phone.

Malia gave a weird expression on why Scott was calling Stiles.

"Get to my house, something happened to Malia" Scott hung up.

"Why did you call Stiles?" Malia asked.

"Because Stiles is going to pick us up in his jeep, we need to get to Deaton, he'll know more of what could have attacked you" Scott assured Malia. When Stiles showed up with his jeep, Scott helped Malia to the back seat.

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