Chapter- 7

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Scott struggled to get up, feeling broken from his awkward sleeping position and the uncomfortable hospital chair. Setting himself right, he crooked his neck from left-to-right, making a crackling sound. He got up and stretched, heading to Stile's hospital room. Stopping at the door frame, he unexpectedly came face to face with Derek. Surprised, but yet confused to see Derek here. Derek gave Scott a death glare. Scott knew Derek didn't want anyone to know he was visiting Stiles. Scott quickly but calmly moved aside from the door frame. Derek quickly walked off. Scott sensed the emotions that was felt; Sadness. Scott asked himself why he smelled such emotion from Derek, but he didn't let the idea bounce in his head. Instead, Scott leaned against the door frame, beaming at his best friend on that bed.

"Go to school, Scott". Scott heard, turning around to see Stile's dad.

"But-" Sheriff Stilinski cut him off.

"No buts, Now you sitting here, moping around won't make Stiles better, besides, you got school and your mother wants you home" Sheriff Stilinski told Scott, taking a seat next to Stiles. Scott nodded and headed out.

Scott arrived home, his mother satisfied of him. Scott quickly took a shower, rinsing off the hospital smell. He didn't have time to eat breakfast. It didn't matter to him though, he didn't have much of an appetite anyway. Walking outside with my backpack lunged around my shoulder, Scott spotted Liam heading out too. Scott turned his head, glaring at Liam. Liam turned his head, giving Scott a hello smile. Scott felt his body melt to the ground. Scott weakly waved at Liam. smiling full of lust.

Setting himself in his bike, Scott had a weird thought, or a funny one because it made him chuckle. He couldn't help himself for asking.

"Hey, Liam" Scott called out, flipping the break on his bike. Liam tired his head, looking curiously at Scott.

"Ever rode on a motorcycle?" Scott asked, smiling wide at Liam. Liam didn't answer, he just eyed Scott, swallowing the lump in his throat. Liam shook his head, no.

"You want to?" Scott asked, roaring the engine, giving a slight chuckle.

"Sure" Liam replied, sounding thrilled but stood afraid.

"Let me go get you a helmet" Scott told Liam, who nodded in response. Scott went in his house fetching (pun intended) a helmet for Liam.

Liam didn't know what he was getting himself into, or why he was trying to get himself killed- A part of him didn't even know why he said yes, but he couldn't refuse to ride on a motorcycle, he's always wanted to ride on one. Snapping him from his thoughts, Scott nudged him with a helmet. Liam quickly took it in hand.

Scott hopped on his bike, placing the helmet over his head, flipping the advisory. He noticed Liam was still standing in the exact same spot.

"You coming?". Liam didn't answer, he just hopped on the back of the bike, placing the helmet over his head. Scott gave gas a coupled times.

"Hold on" Scott said. Liam glanced around worried.

"T-to what?!". Scott didn't give a quick reply, but he just smiled to himself.

"To me" Scott felt nervous to say.

Then, something unexpected happened to Scott. He felt two arms wrap around his waist. Scott humped, but he doubt Liam felt it because of the vibration from the motorcycle. Scott's smile almost took his whole face.

Scott backed out of the drive way, but before taking off he felt Liam pressed against him. Scott couldn't ignore the mix emotions he felt then. He felt his stomach stir, it scared him but it also felt fantastic. Scott's eyes turned to as red has a street stop light then back to normal. Scott then felt Liam's hands tighten and Liam's body pressed against his back. The side of Liam's head rest on Scott's neck. Finally, Scott took off.

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