Chapter- 10

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Just on the side of the main road way after midnight a girl in her early twenties car broke down. The night was dark, there was no street lights along the road and it was a cold night. The cold made the girl breathe heavier, a thick cloud of condensation escaping her mouth each time. She got out her phone calling a tow service, but she had no signal in this part of Beacon Hills. Her head snapped at the sound of owls in the distance. She was getting frightened. She held her phone out to try to get a signal. Her head snapping towards a different sound now, a sound of twigs snapping from deep inside the trees. She glanced each direction. She turned her head each second, hearing the trees rustle and branches breaking. She saw a black figure pass her quickly.

"Who's there!" the girl yelled, there was no response. "This isn't funny".

She then saw someone in the middle of road, he at least she thought it was a he. The thin fog didn't help with her sight. The man was as dark as shadow.

"Hello!" She yelled. The man didn't seem too far from her. The man didn't reply.

"I don't suppose you can help me out?" She asked. "You see my car broke down" she turned to her car "And-" she turned back to the guy to only see nothing. He was gone. She glared around to try to find him. When she turned around she screamed in terror. The man in the coat jumped out at her! She realized this wasn't a man, it was a monster. She screamed in agony from the sudden crunch on her neck. The screamed traveled in the woods, startling off animals. Then, it fell silent. The girl laid dead on the ground in a pool of her own blood.

"BEEP! BEEP! BEEOP!" Stiles immediately turned off his alarm clock. He stood up stretching, giving a loud and long yawn. He felt different today, he felt so much better. His body wasn't sore. He felt like he could run a marathon. He shot out of bed, heading to the bathroom. Seeing himself in the mirror, he thought he looked different too! After freshening up, Stiles went to his wardrobe. He opened the door to his closet, tapping his finger multiple shirts. He extracted a white T-Shirt and a pair of dark skinny jeans. Slipping them on, he checked himself out in the mirror. He fondled his hair.

"Hmm" Stiles hummed. He went to his bathroom, grabbing a brush and gel. He spiked up his hair, giving himself two thumbs up and a cheeky smile in the mirror. Before walking out of his room, he spotting an old black leather jacket he hasn't wore in god knows how long that peaked from his closet. He grabbed the jacket, slipping it on. He couldn't zip it up because he grew out of it and it nearly reached his hips. Stiles grabbed his backpack, leaving his room. Before heading down stairs, Stiles went to his dad's room. He scanned the room, finding a pair of his dad's sun glasses he always thought were bad ass. He put them on then took a look of himself in his dad's mirror.

"Sweet" Stiles said to himself then, going downstairs.

Sheriff Stilinksi sat at the coffee table, reading a newspaper when he heard footsteps coming. He saw his son heading out the door then, but it didn't look like his son.

"Stiles!" he called. Stiles took a fee steps back, facing his dad. Sheriff Stilinski eyed him astonished that he was looking at his son.

"Are those my sun glass?" He asked Stiles.

"Sweet, huh?" Stiles smiled.

"What are you wearing?".

"Thought I'll try something different" Stiles replied.

"Well, I'll drive you to school" Sheriff Stilinski grabbed his keys.

"I was going to take the bus, but alright" Stiles shrugged.

"So, sushi?" Scott asked Kira while they walked the hall.

"What?" Kira questioned.

"For our date, I know this really good sushi restaurant". "Unless, you're not up for sushi" Scott added.

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