Chapter- 17

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Stiles stood in the middle of the school hallway, starring at the poster being attached to the wall by some TA's. He couldn't give any expression towards it except misery. It was a prom poster. Stiles snapped from his thoughts when he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder.

"Ya know, you look pretty creepy right now" Isaac said.

"Missed ya too, buddy" Stiles said. Isaac replied with a smirk.

"What's with the sorrow?" Isaac asked has they wondered down the halls.

"Well, the prom poster reminded me of Derek" Stiles said.

"Ah, I heard about your guy's romance" Isaac interjected.

"Yeah, so I guess I'm just lonely" Stiles sighed. "The weird part is that I don't even know why I'm so sad. Derek and I were together for not long".

"If you ask me, it doesn't sound like you guys were actually in love" Isaac said. Stiles gave Isaac a puzzled look.


"I'm not trying to offend you, Stiles. But, perhaps there's another reason why you fell for him so quickly". Stiles squinted his eyes in curiosity. "Sounds like you were sired to Derek".

Scott was just closing his locker when he turned around he saw Stiles, Isaac was behind him.

"Hey, Stiles. Isaac" Scott said.

"How did I wake up?" Stiles asked. Scott gave a confused expression.

"Uh, I'm not sure what you're talking about" Scott replied. Stiles then told his best friend want Isaac had told him. That a sire could only be caused by a howl. Stiles figured it had to happen while he was in a coma- that's when everything changed for him. After hearing what Stiles had to say, Scott guided the both of them to the bathroom.

"Okay, yes your dad told me he heard a howl and you just woke up!" Scott said. "But, I didn't think anything of it". "How does Isaac even know anything about this anyways?" Scott asked. They both turned to the taller werewolf.

"I may or may not have met a few werewolves when I was gone" Isaac told them.

"And you just so happened to know I was sired?!".

"Call it a coincidence" Isaac smirked, shrugging his shoulders.

"Look, we can talk about this later, I gotta go to class" Scott said, dashing out of the bathroom.

After school, Scott went to work at the animal clinic. The day was slow and tiring. Scott dozed out too many times to count. At one point, Stiles being sired struck his mind. He then, told Dr. Deaton about the whole sired situation.

"If Stiles is actually sired to Derek, then we may have a problem".

"What is it?".

"Derek is dead and now Stiles doesn't know what to do with his emotions".

"Well, how do we stop it?" Scott asked.

"This may sound sappy and a bit cheesy, but a kiss" Deaton replied.

"A kiss?" Scott questioned.

"Not just any kiss, Scott; true love's kiss". Scott looked at his boss in shock. Why is it always true love's kiss, he thought. He thought for a brief second. One person popped into his head. Lydia Martin.

On his way home, Scott thought about one thing and one thing only. Prom. He didn't know if Liam wanted to go, he didn't know if he wanted to either. He could imagine the odd looks he'll get if he walked in with a guy. The school was alright with the whole gay concept, but Scott didn't feel ready for any of that.

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