Chapter- 11

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Ring, ring

Class had just ended for the Beacon Hills students, which didn't do any justice, because there were still plenty of classes left.

"So, a sleep over?" Scott questioned to Lydia, who pitched the idea for him and Stiles. Lydia knew Stiles was feeling abandoned.

"Well, technically" Lydia said.

"We haven't had a sleep over since the seventh grade" Scott said.

"Well, have one tonight, its a Friday after all" Lydia mentioned.

"Why do you want us to have a sleep over so badly?" Scott asked.

"Well, because Stiles could be feeling abandoned, which would be why the sudden change of character" Lydia told Scott.

"You really think that?" Scott questioned.

"Yeah, sort of".

"Hey, where is Stiles anyways?" Scott asked, Lydia shrugged, realizing she hasn't seen Stiles today.

A black Camaro roared through the woods of Beacon Hills, burning rubber, unleashing tons of smoke behind. On the passenger seat was Derek Hale and Stiles sat behind the wheel with a cranked up stereo and Derek's dark sun-glasses. Stiles shifted gears and started to do doughnuts. They didn't worry about anyone hearing or seeing them. They were at an abandoned factory, way out in Beacon Hills. Stiles then pulled in the factory, driving pass the transparent streams that hung from the entrance. Stiles stopped, putting the car in park.

"This totally beats school" Stiles said. Derek couldn't stop smiling.

"I've never seen you smile so much" Stiles pointed out.

"And I've never see you this energetic" Derek replied.

"Hey, you're usually the sour-wolf" Stiles laughed.

"Let's not forget that I am the only wolf here" Derek smirked at Stiles.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Stiles asked.

"It means that I can kill you" Derek gave a serious expression.

"Let's face it, you'll never hurt me, Derek Hale" Stiles said, grabbing and squeezing both of his cheeks. Has much Stiles annoyed him at times, he was right. Derek would never lay a finger on his pale skin.

"Wanna bet?" Derek played along. Stiles got out of the car, Derek sprung an annoyed face, also exiting his Camaro.

"You don't want to do this" Derek said, lifting his hand, his razor sharp claws sprang up.

"I'm hearing lots of bark but no bite" Stiles gave a questionable look. Derek chuckled then, striking a stern face. Stiles fell silent. Derek used his wolf strength to push himself off the ground, landing on the roof of his Camaro!

Stiles backed up some, getting ready to run, his smile wouldn't fade from his face. He liked the thrill it gave him. This was a big enough factory to lose someone in, Stiles thought. In no more than a second later, Stiles was on his feet, running from the beta that chased him. The noises that Derek gave off made Stiles anxious. The growls and grunts were just a symbol of chasing prey. Then, the growls were no longer audible. Stiles stopped running, looking in the back of him. Derek was gone. He quickly hid behind a crate, slowly moving behind varies objects. Stiles then found a six inch nail on the floor, he quickly picked it up, showing off the pointy side.

Passing through more junk and still no sign of Derek. Stiles managed to get around the junk, ending up back to the car. He walked up front to middle of the car, scanning around. Then, his head twitched towards a low grunt and a fast acting shadow. Then, the shadow passed again, having Stiles turn his back. Then, Stiles was pushed, the six inch nail flew out of his hand, dropping to the floor. Stiles was shoved against the hood of the car, his arm held tight around his back, twisting his wrist.

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