Chapter- 19

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Everyone was nervous today. Scott felt his whole body inch. His heart beat racing, he slightly knocked on the door. He heard foot steps coming down the stairs. Then, the door swung open. Lydia answered.

"Hey, Scott" Lydia smiled. She looked in a hurry. She was probably getting ready for prom. Scott had heard about his best friend and the banshee going has friends. "Hold on" She said, leaving Scott at the porch. He forwarded his eyebrows. Lydia came back, showing a key in his sight.

"Thanks" Scott smiled.

"Don't make a mess!" Lydia said.

"You got it-" Lydia shut the door on Scott. Scott placed the key in his pocket. He wanted tonight to be a night to never forget. He hopped on his bike, going back home to get ready for prom.
When Scott got back home, heading to his room, he dug the key from his pocket placing it in a drawer. He didn't want to lose it. He flopped down on his bed, listening for it. Then, he heard it. The gentle beating that accelerated every few seconds. Scott hoped for this night to be perfect, its all he wanted. Scott just had a worried thought every now and then, he knew things haven't been perfect.

Liam flopped on his bed, having too many thoughts. He couldn't think. Prom was all he could think about. And Scott. Liam imagined slow dancing with Scott and maybe throwing in a few quick dances has well. But, the thought of his body pressed up against Scott's, swaying side-to-side aroused him in many ways. Liam got up, going into his closet. He dug out his tux and dressing shoes. Then, he extracted a red tie as red as Scott's wolf eyes. Liam thought about Scott's 'eyes' every time he glanced at it.

Back at Lydia's, she was putting on her makeup. She glared at her violet blue-ish dress through the mirror of her dresser. She thought about how it will match Stile's complexion. She couldn't wait for tonight, its been so long since they had a normal life. She continued to get ready, taking her time to make sure she, herself is perfect.

Stiles was more relaxed with the whole prom subject. Maybe because he's still sired to Derek. Stiles had plans. He'd known he was in love with Lydia, but things were different now. He did had a plan though. Stiles wanted to get Lydia to kiss him. If there was any way to get detached from Derek, this was it. Stiles glared at the suite upon his bed. He knew it had to be done. Stiles began to get ready. Stiles didn't want Derek to be clawed from him, but Stiles didn't want to live in agony. after getting dressed, Stiles paced up and down the room. He fiddled with his hair, realizing it needed to be fixed up. Which he done, he spiked it up, then suddenly remembering his tie. He quickly tied his tie, grabbing his keys then leaving.

"Mom" Scott called out. Seconds later, Melissa stood in the doorway. "Can you tie this for me?" he held up his red tie to his mother.

"I didn't know you were going to prom" she stated, going up to Scott to help him with his tie.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry" Scott replied.

"So, who's the lucky one?" she asked, finishing the tie.

"A person" Scott replied, smiling widely. Melissa gave an annoyed face.

"I get it, keep him or her a secret" Melissa said, walking out of the room. Scott knitted his eyebrows forward, not sure if he was hearing correctly. But, before he can say anything, his phone beeped.

"I'm ready" it was Liam.

"Me too, let's go" Scott stated, but before leaving he stopped to check if his hair was good. It was. He then walked out of the house.

Stiles slightly tapped on Lydia's door waiting for her to open it. Stiles patiently waited while holding a plastic box in his hand, he held it in back of him. When the door finally opened, Stiles's eyes fell to the black midnight heels and the violet blue dress. Lydia's makeup was done flawlessly.

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