Chapter- 3

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'My first kiss', Liam thought has he parted lips with Kira. A smile crept from his lips. He didn't care if it was just a small peck that last for no more than five seconds, but lasted an eternity to him. He didn't care if Kira didn't think much of it. It was a new experience to Liam. His stomach ached, but he didn't find it a bad aching, it felt good.

Kira didn't think much of the kiss, she found it normal. She returned a smile to Liam. She awkwardly brushed her bang to her back ear. She looked over at Scott, giving a worried but confused glare.

"Oh my, god, Scott. Are you okay?" Kira asked. Liam quickly looked over at Scott.

Sweat drenched from Scott's forehead. He didn't know what to tell the two teens that gave worried expressions, Liam looked more scared than worried. Scott's breathing was still just about slowing down.

"Uh, yeah, just another headache" Scott quietly said. He barely had enough strength to say a sentence without pausing or stuttering.

"Some headache" Liam muttered to himself but, Scott heard.

Scott just wanted to sleep, peacefully in his bed. He didn't want to think about how he did enjoy the party or not doing anything special. He didn't want to think of the fifteen year old with the scent of strawberries coming from his hair. He didn't want to hear Liam's heart beat because he sensed a little fear every time the boys heart skipped a beat.

"Okay, looks like we should give Scott some time alone, he needs his rest" Lydia got up scanning everyone has they lifted themselves up, but Liam giving Kira a hand.

"You should stay with Scott for tonight" Lydia grabbed and whispered to Stiles. Stiles gave her an assuring look, Lydia nodded looking over at Scott who sort of struggled to get himself up. Stiles ran over to help him. Lydia walked Kira and Liam and herself out of Scott's house.

"Uh, need a ri-" Kira asked but cut off.

"I live next door" Liam said.

"Oh, well see ya later" Kira gave a genuine smile, walking to her car.

Liam smirked, shoving his hands in his pockets, strolling to his place. Which only took seconds to reach.

Stiles helped Scott up the stairs to his room.

"Stiles, you don't have to stay" Scott said, laying on his bed.

"No Scott, I want to" Stiles replied kicking off his shoes.

"Now, get your rest, gotta full moon tomorrow, buddy" Stiles sat on the reclining chair, using the cushion has a pillow. Scott kicked off his shoes.

"G'night" Scott said, sounding a bit drowsy.

"Good night, Scott".

It took Stile's longer to sleep because he was thinking about Scott. Feeling a bit worried but happy that Scott may have somebody, somebody like, Kira. Stiles knew it had to be her, Scott went wild when Liam kissed her. Stiles then, fell to sleep.

It wasn't until the next morning Scott had felt the familiar material of his bed sheet, he sighed knowing it was his bed. He brought his head up to see Stiles on his recliner. Stiles drooled on his shoulder, he looked kind of broken. Scott smirked at the sight of his creamy skin best friend, drooling on his own shoulder. And damn, can Stiles drool? It was practically a kitty-pool of his oozing, transparent saliva.

Scott got out of bed, heading to the bathroom. He went to the bathroom sink only view himself in the mirror. He stretched his lower and upper lip to see his teeth. He didn't know why, but felt like he had to check.

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