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Quinn runs through the street, one the screamers chasing after them and causing a shit ton of noise. The screamers were zombies who never. ever. stopped. screaming. And it was horrible. Running into a screamer was one the worst zombies to run into(besides the tanks). Their screaming draws the attention of other zombies so it's best to take it out as quickly as possible. You're wondering why Quinn hasn't killed it yet? Well maybe it's because all the zombies the screamer would have alerted are already chasing after them. The zombies are very fast, there's a few that are faster than normal but Quinn hasn't come up with a name for those yet.

They quickly grab her pistol and turn the safety off. Quinn sprints down the street and towards a building they know has a ladder towards the roof. As far as Quinn knows the zombies can't climb ladders so they'd be safe. They run into the alley and curse as they see the ladder is gone. They load their pistol and shoot the screamer right in the head.

"Fuck my life I refuse to fucking die here I swear there was a fucking ladder." They think, looking around for some way to get out of this alley. They put their pistol in its holster and jump onto a dumpster bin. They then jump up and hoist themselves up onto a fire escape.

They run, practically jump, up the stairs and up towards the roof of the building. They then see the ladder on the roof and groan. "I'm gonna kill whoever did this." They sit down and take a drink of water from the bottle in their bag, trying to catch their breath from the almost 10 minutes of sprinting they just did.

Quinn sighs and looks over the side of the roof, looking to see if the zombies have given up. They're all gone, a very stragglers standing around in the alley.

"No screamers..good. Last time I was here there weren't any screamers at all. I wasn't expecting to find one this time." They think as they quietly climb down. The zombies don't notice them and they pull their switchblade out of their back pocket.

They kick a rock down the alleyway into the back and then hide beside the dumpster. The zombies follow the noise, growling and groaning as they pass Quinn. They quietly walk out of the alleyway and start slowly walking down the street. They see a few Runners down the street (the zombies that are super fast) and quietly goes into a building, making sure not to step on any broken glass.

They turn on their flashlight and quietly climb the stairs to the building, noticing there's not any dead bodies or blood on the walls.
"Weird..If there's climbers in here I swear to god I'm gonna end everything.." They quietly walk up the stairs and push open a door, struggling since there's something heavy behind it. Holding their flashlight up, they slowly walk down the hall. They make sure to push the door closed and put the heavy whatever it was back in front of the door.

The area around them is unnervingly clean.

They slowly push open a second door, their gun raised and their flashlight next to them. They see a sleeping bag next to a boarded up window. There's a table with a few empty cans of food on it along with an entire pile of canned food. There's a bookshelf full of books and some medical supplies sitting on the table right by a bloodied knife.

"What the hell.." They slowly step into the room, letting the door close behind them. There's a soft noise behind them and they turn around quickly. As soon as they turn around there's a sharp pain in their shoulder that causes them to cry out in pain. They look to see an arrow going through their shoulder.

They look up at the person through blurry vision, raising their gun and aiming to kill. The person looks around the same age as them and is holding a bow with an arrow nocked and ready to shoot it.

"Don't move." The unknown person says sternly. Quinn looks down and sees the blood coming quickly out of their shoulder. "Put your gun on the ground. Now. As well as your bag."

Quinn grimaces in pain before setting their gun down and kicking it towards the person. They stumble backwards slightly and sit down, their vision starting to fade as they feel themselves slipping out of consciousness.

Parker watches as the person falls to the ground, completely unconscious. He walks over and pulls the arrow out of their shoulder, quickly pressing a rag to their shoulder to try and stop the bleeding.

After the bleeding has stopped he makes sure they're still alive before he starts sewing the wound back up. Once he's done with that he puts a thick piece of gauze over the wound and then bandages it.

"Hopefully you don't die. Sorry about that buddy." He mumbles, gently fixing the sleeve of their shirt.

He takes their bag off and looks through it, taking their shotgun, knife, and pistol just for precautionary measures.

"Now just wait till they wake up. They can't hurt you while you have a gun pointed at them." He thinks, grabbing the person's gun and making sure it's loaded.

Almost an hour later Quinn slowly starts stirring, grimacing at the pain in their arm.

"You try anything and I shoot you. Understand?" Parker says in the same stern tone of voice. Quinn looks up at him and sees their gun in his hands as well as her other things against the wall on the other side of the room.

"Alright.." They mumble, slowly sitting up and putting their hand over their shoulder.

"What's your name?" He asks, his finger moving away from the trigger and but keeping the gun pointed at them.

"Quinn. Yours?"

"Parker. Sorry for..shooting you. I hope you're not in too much pain."

Quinn shrugs and stands up slowly, "It's not too bad. I have a high pain tolerance."


"How long have you been in here for? It seems you definitely have the supplies to last a few months." They glance around the room, their eyes landing on Parker's bow and arrow.

"I've been here for a few weeks. I cleared out the building and grabbed all the supplies. I heard one of those screaming geeks earlier, was it chasing you?"

"You mean a Screamer? Yeah it was, it's dead now though so don't worry."

"You call them Screamers? Well..That makes sense honestly."

"Mhm." Quinn brushes off their pants, wincing at some pain in their shoulder. "Well I'd like to get out of here before the Walkers or Runners somehow get in here. Can I have my stuff back?"

Parker raises an eyebrow, "The geeks can't get in here. You barely got in here. You only got that door open because you're strong. And you'll need to stay here so I can look after that shoulder."

"Excuse me? I appreciate you having a change of heart and deciding not to kill me but I'd like my stuff back. Keep my pistol for all I fucking care but I want my shotgun and bag back."

"You stay in here for the rest of the day and then sleep here overnight, Tomorrow you can leave."

Quinn crosses her arms and gives him an angry look before sighing and agreeing.

"Good! Now, you can take some of that food and heal up."

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