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The next day Parker wakes up before Quinn. He knew they were exhausted and had barely slept over the past few weeks. They'd told him last night that they've been on the run for almost a month and just got to Seattle.

He slowly walks over and starts unwrapping the bandages around their shoulder. He knows they're in a very deep sleep. He carefully removes the gauze he placed on the wound and sees that it's healing well considering it's been not even a full day yet. He puts her gauze one it and wraps it with clean bandages.

"Jeez they must have a high pain tolerance to be not bothered by this at all..They did say something about it but honestly I'm surprised..I would have woken up from the pain ages ago." He thinks as he adjusts the sleeve of their shirt before he starts to pack their bag with some food and medical supplies, making sure not to touch any of their personal items.

An hour or two when Quinn wakes up he makes sure they eat some food before the two of them start to leave.

"Oh..And by the way..I'm coming with you."

Quinn gives him a wary look, "No you're not. I barely made it on my own, what makes you think that I'd make it with you. Coming with me is basically a suicide mission."

"Yeah I know that. You're reckless." He crosses his arms, "But I really don't wanna stay here for the rest of my life so why not come with you?"

Quinn sighs and starts putting their hair back in a braid to get it out of their face.

"Fine. I'm not going to save your ass if you get caught."

"That's fine. I don't need your help."

"Great." Quinn stands up and grabs their bag.

"You called that screaming geek a Screamer, does that mean you have names for all of them?"

"Yeah. I should probably tell you about them. So I call the zombies that aren't dangerous at all Walkers and I use Walkers to just refer to all the zombies, whatever- Then there's the really fast zombies and those are called Runners. Remember, do not make eye contact with the Runners, okay? Just don't look any Walkers in the eyes. Then there's the Screamers who don't stop screaming till you kill them so you gotta kill them fast. Then there's the Tanks which are the huge and super strong Walkers. And then the Climbers, the ones who can climb all over the walls and shit. You got a flashlight?"

He reaches into his bag and pulls out a flashlight, "Yup."

"Good. You can use that to stun them. You run away from the climbers as fast as you can. Understand?"

Parker nods in response.

"Great. Let's go. Yell for me if you find anything useful." They grab their bag and then walk out of the room. Parker grabs his bow and follows after them.

The two of them make it out of the building and Quinn is relieved to see that the streets are not swarmed with Walkers.

"Come on, we're going to get out of the city. Then we can fix ourselves up a car." Quinn mumbles, trying to stay quiet so none of the Walkers would hear them.

"You know how to do that?" Parker asks, looking over at Quinn.

"Used too, we can see if I still remember." The two walk through the streets, Quinn's pistol in her hand and Parker's bow ready to be nocked with a bow.

The two barely run into any Walkers which is..unnerving. They were glad and at ease since there weren't many Walkers around but they were worried were all the Walkers were.

"Do you think you could hotwire a car in the city?"

"Mhm. We need to find a storage truck. I know where one is. I found it a few days ago." They lead Parker to a building and lift up a piece of wood that's hiding a hole in the wall.

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