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A lot happened. 

Parker and Zach got happily married. Quinn proposed to Robin. Kai turned 6. Parker officially forgave Quinn and they were now friends. Parker made sure to set some rules with Quinn so she wouldn't be crazy over protective over him again. Robin got pregnant with their second child. 

Parker and Quinn had gotten scheduled patrol together. They got on their horses and started down the path. 

"How's Robin doing?" Parker asks with a smile.

Quinn smiles, "Good. She just hit 6 months. How're you and Zach?" 

"Amazing, he's amazing as always." 

"I can tell." Quinn snickers as she mentions to the hickey on Parker's neck. 

"Oh shut up you little shit!" Quinn bursts out in laughter and Parker throws some snow at her. 

"Alright alright I'm sorry!" 

The two get to their checkpoint and tie their horses up, walking inside the building. 

"Is that the same hoodie you wore yesterday?" Parker smirks, mentioning to the small stain on Quinn's hoodie. 

"Uh it's clean." She fakes an offended look. "We're in the apocalypse don't judge me." 

"I'm hardcore judging you." 

"Screw you man." They walk up the stairs and Quinn writes down "All clear"  on a piece of paper. 

"You ready to go?" She turns to look at Parker. 

"Hell yeah brother." She rolls her eyes and the two walk back out of the building. 

"If you keep saying that it's gonna get stuck in my head." 

"Good. I'll teach your child how to say it too." 

Quinn shrugs, untying her horse, "I'll let you, just don't tell Robin." 

"Hell yeah brother!" Parker cheers and gets on his horse. 

"You think there's any Walkers down here?" Quinn glances at him as they ride down the street. 

"Eh maybe, we'd have to check." 

"Whoop! Quality bonding time!" She ties up her horse and pulls out her guns. Parker rolls his eyes and ties up his horse as well. The two walk over to a house and Parker breaks off the doorknob before pushing his way inside. 

The two explore the house. Parker walks upstairs and gasps as he opens the door to a room. Quinn goes up there, her grip on her gun tightening just in case. It was a room full with comics, figurines, trading cards, everything. Parker walks over to the comics and begins to look through them. 

Quinn heads towards the trading cards, looking through the boxes of different brands and types of trading cards. She finds a few boxes of Magic The Gathering cards and puts them in her backpack. 

"Hey Quinn? Can you put these comics in your bag for me?" Parker asks, coming over with a small stack of comics. 

"Yeah, come here." Quinn opens her bag so Parker can put the comics in. The two hear their horses neighing and startling outside. 

"Let's go, we've been here for a while." They walk out and as soon as Quinn opens the door someone punches her in the face hard. She falls to the ground, groaning and clutching her jaw. 

Someone runs at Parker and Parker shoots at them, killing them instantly. He tries to shoot at the other person but someone sneaks up behind him and slams the butt of their gun into his head, knocking him out. 

Quinn gets up, ready to kill this person as she goes to run at them. The person behind her grabs her, punching her hard again. This time, the punch knocks her out and she falls to the floor. 

It's all...a blur...of colors, voices, blurry faces. 

When everything finally starts to stop being blurry, Parker's eyes slowly open. He looks around, realizing he's tied to a metal pipe. He struggles against the rope and looks around quickly. He sees Quinn tied up across the room. She's still unconscious.

"Quinn!" He whispers, struggling against the ropes still. 

The door to the dark room opens, flooding it with light. Parker's eyes widen and terror fills his entire being. 

"Hello Parker." says a deep, terrifying voice. 


The end. 


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