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When they escaped from the screams of the settlement, Quinn's hearing finally started to recover. 

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" It was the first thing she said to Robin. 

"I-I'm fine, Quinn." Quinn pulled Robin into a tight hug, her hands shaking from the adrenaline. "Hey I'm okay...It's okay..." Robin comforts her, rubbing Quinn's back. 

"Let's find a place to stay, we'll rest and try and figure out what to do next."  Quinn mumbles, taking a deep breath to try and stop her hands from shaking. 

"Good idea. Let's go..." She gently takes Quinn's hand and the two walk through the forest. 

They eventually made it to the cabin Parker and Quinn were staying in for a few days before they'd gotten taken to Oakwood. Quinn pushes the door open, only to see Parker and Zach sitting on the couch inside. Parker is bandaging a small wound on Zach's shoulder. 

"Quinn! Oh my god!" Parker runs over and hugs her. Quinn doesn't hug back. 

Parker notices and pulls away, "Quinn? What's wrong? Are you okay?" 

"You left me there." Quinn states bluntly. 

"Quinn I-" 

"You left me there to die, Parker." Her tone gets low and angry and her gaze darkens as she glares at Parker. 

Parker puts his hands on his hips, his expression growing dark. "I did not leave you there to die. I knew you could make it out." 

"That is no excuse." She growls, taking a step closer to him. "I called for you. And you left with some...man." Her eyes flicker over to Zach who's now standing. 

"Don't you dare bring him into this." Parker warns her. 

"Oh what else am I supposed to do? I have known you for twice the time that man has and you left me, the person who has gotten you to this point, to die under the hands of a damn Screamer?!" She raises her voice, taking another step towards Parker. Parker stands his ground, glaring down at Quinn. 

"I left with him because you had Robin to help you! I couldn't risk his life to help you! And I have gotten myself to where I am! Not you!" 

Quinn's hands ball into fists, "I would have gone. I would have helped." 

"Well you didn't have that choice. I made the choice I did and I would have done it again." 

That sets Quinn off. 

"So you're gonna choose your boyfriend over your best friend?! The only fucking reason you're alive and standing right now?!" She yells, throwing her arms up in the air. 

Parker goes to talk but she interrupts, "What about those Climbers in that gas station huh? Do you think you would've made it out of that situation much less have even gotten to that point without me?!" 

"I don't need you! I don't need your constant protection, Quinn! Did you ever stop to think about how maybe I could take care of myself?!" 

"No. Not once. You know why? Because you weren't nearly as strong as you are now. You were small. I thought one Walker could come scoop you up and turn you into one of them." 

"You're the fucking reason we've gotten into all this trouble in the first place. Maybe all those times you were supposedly protecting me were because your horrible choices got us in those situations in the first place?!" 

Quinn shoves Parker and he shoves her back. She grabs him by the collar and slams him into a wall. 

"Woah woah break it up!" Zach says, rushing over to them. 

"I should've shot you the moment I saw you in that apartment building." Quinn growls, her voice filled with venom. 

"And I should've let you." Parker shoves Quinn away and rips off the necklace she'd gotten him. He throws it to the ground and grabs his bag, storming out of the cabin. Zach quickly follows after him, giving Robin an apologetic look. 

Quinn's anger turns into tears which start to fall down her face. Robin walks over and wipes them away. "Quinn you shouldn't have snapped at him...We could've worked it out..." 

Quinn moves her face away from Robin's hands, crouching down in front of the necklace Parker had thrown. She reaches down and carefully picks it up, rubbing the little bow charm with her thumb. She stands back up and puts the necklace on. 

"Quinn..." Robin starts but Quinn stops her. 

"We don't talk about it. Ever again." 

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