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shorter chapter today but <333

Quinn breaks down the door to the gas station and Parker notices her wince as she puts pressure on her shoulder. He doesn't say anything about it though, she said she was fine and she knew her own limits so he didn't want her to think he didn't believe what she was saying.

"Alright. Grab whatever food isn't expired. Get it in the back of the truck." Quinn pushes open the door to the back of the gas station, her flashlight held up with her gun.

Parker starts gathering a bunch of the food and anything he can find, putting it in the back of the truck.

Quinn searches the back of the store, their flashlight scanning over the area. They slowly walk further and further into the area, their nerves growing higher and higher the more they walk into the back of the store.

Parker sits in the back of the truck, waiting for Quinn.

"Maybe I should help her.." He mumbles to himself. He grabs his bow and walks inside. He pulls an arrow out of the quiver by his hip and nocks it into the bow.

Parker forgets his flashlight which..isn't great considering the entire back of the store is dark.

"Hey Quinn?" He calls out into the back of the store.

"Yeah?" My voice is faint and he almost can't hear it.

"Where are you?"

"Far back in this fucking gas station, It's huge. Stay there and I'll make my way back over."

"Alright.." Parker glances around. He can barely see his own bow in front of him. He can hear Quinn's footsteps and the click of her gun. Then he freezes as he hears a growl.

He stays completely still as he sees a Climber come out of the darkness. It's growling and snarling quietly and he hears Quinn's footsteps get a bit faster and louder. Parker starts sprinting through the area away from the Climber, trying to outrun it. He runs into things but it doesn't matter at this point. He's just trying to get away.

The Climber roars and snarls as it chases after Parker, not stopping for anything. There's a loud bang and the Climber roars in pain. Blood from the Climber gets all over Parker and he continues to just run as fast as he can.

The Climber comes out of nowhere and out of pure fear Parker punches the Climber, leaving the both of them in shock for a second. The Climber starts growling again and goes to pounce on Parker but it roars in pain as Quinn points her flashlight at it. It tries to get back into the shadows but Quinn just follows it with her flashlight until she comes sprinting back and grabs Parker.

The two run out of the gas station as fast as they can, hearing the Climber roar and growl as they manage to escape. Quinn grabs Parker by the shoulders and turns him around to look at her.

Expecting her to tell, Parker is completely taken aback by what she says next.

"Are you okay?" She asks, a look of concern and slight panic on her face.

"Yeah..I'm- covered in blood but otherwise I'm okay.."

"You didn't get scratched or bit right?" He shakes his no in response. "Good. Let's get you cleaned up okay?"

Parker nods again. He's unable to talk and he's still shaking slightly, the adrenaline from the earlier situation still coursing through him.

Quinn sits Parker down on the back of the truck and gets a cloth wet with some water before cleaning all of the blood off his face and out of his hair.

"I won't be able to get it out of your clothes but there's extra clothes in the back that might fit you? I'm just guessing you probably don't want to be in blood soaked clothes."

"I definitely don't." He closes the back of the truck and changes into the new clothes. The pants and shirt were a little big on him but it wasn't a big deal."

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