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The next morning, Quinn came up and knocked on the door to the house that Parker was staying at. 

"This is a bad idea." She thinks, turning around to walk away. "Okay don't leave, you'll just fuck everything up more." She turns back around, staring at the ground as she waits for either Parker or Zach to open the door. 

Parker opens the door, freezing as he sees Quinn. 

"Hi." Quinn says awkwardly. 

"Hi?" He answers, seeming a bit wary. 

"Listen, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being overprotective, I know you didn't need it I was just scared that you would get hurt and I wasn't gonna be able to help. And I was wrong. You can take care of yourself and I shouldn't- I shouldn't have called you weak. I shouldn't have said I wished I'd shot you because I don't. If I had shot you I probably wouldn't have made it to this point. You're probably the only reason I'm still alive, I would've died from some stupid wound. I just- I want you to know I'm sorry. I'm really...really sorry." Quinn looks down at the ground as she finishes talking. 

"I'm not ready to forgive you yet. But I appreciate your apology." Parker stands there, his arms crossed. 

Quinn nods, still looking at the ground. "How've you been? You didn't get hurt too badly while you were out there?" She asks, glancing up at Parker. 

"We didn't actually, surprisingly. Me and Zach heard about this settlement when we were in California, we figured we should give living in settlements another try." 

"Really? Why were you down in California?" She raises an eyebrow, confused. 

"We were chasing some guy down there. He'd taken something that belonged to Zach so we went down there to get it back." 

"Ah, I see. And you stayed in Cali for a bit?" 

"Yeah we did, found a house and fixed it up so we could stay in it. There's surprisingly not a whole lot of Geeks down there, however there were so many Climbers in the city it was really really bad." 

"Huh. Interesting." 

"We said hi to Robin yesterday, she said you guys have a kid now?" 

Quinn nods, "Her names Kai. Someone found her on patrol hiding in a house so we took her in and adopted her." 


Quinn nods. "Well, I should probably get back home. Robin has to go on patrol today and I have to watch after Kai." 

"Good luck." 

"I'll need it." Quinn steps down from the porch and nods to Parker before walking back to her house. 

Parker nods back and closes the door. "That could've gone worse." He mumbles. 

Quinn gets inside her house and groans as she closes the door, "God that went horrible. Why did I sound so awkward?!" 

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