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Zach looked over at Parker, gently grabbing onto his hand. "You okay?" He asks in a soft, comforting voice. 

"No...Not at all..." Parker answers, his voice shaking with emotion. Either anger or sadness, Zach couldn't tell. 

"Come here, love." He pulls Parker into a hug, wrapping his big arms around the shaking man. Parker practically melts into Zach's arms, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Now...Do you wanna talk about it?" Zach kisses the top of Parker's head. 

"Yeah...I guess..." 

"Alright, I'm your therapist now. Tell me your thoughts and struggles Mr. Grey." 

Parker cracks a small smile, "I just don't understand why she was so harsh on me. I mean she made out alive and I didn't think she'd be mad since she had Robin right next to her to help her. And what she said...'I should've shot you in that apartment building'...That just- she couldn't have meant it...Right? She definitely said it like she meant it..."

"I don't think she meant that. I think she was just angry. But, that doesn't give her any excuses for saying that. It was wrong and it hurt you so you shouldn't forgive her unless she gives you an apology you feel is right. And I can understand both your sides, how you would think she wouldn't be mad and how she would be mad. However, she shouldn't have reacted the way she did. She shouldn't have exploded at you." 

"Yeah! Exactly! I've never seen her that mad before and- she- god she pisses me off! I couldn't risk your life to save her! You were almost already at the gates when she called for help!" Zach listens to Parker's rant without interrupting so he can get all of his frustration out. "And as if I need her help to survive! I could have easily gotten to this point without her protective bitchass shielding me from every little thing!" He sighs, running a hand through his hair. 

"Would saying I understand how you're feeling make you feel better or worse?" He asks, still holding onto Parker's hand as they walk. 

"I don't know..." 

"Well in truth I don't understand how you feel. But I want to try to understand so I can help you. So you're angry because of the things she said and because she thinks you can't take care of yourself." 


"And you're hurt because of what she said to you, as well as frustrated that she overreacted in the first place?" 


"I can understand why you feel like that. I would too, honestly."  Parker goes to touch the necklace that was around his neck but remembers it's not there. 

"You threw the necklace, huh?" 

"Yeah, Quinn probably left it in the house..." He mumbles, holding onto Zach's hand tighter. 

"How'd you two meet?" He asks in a soft tone, wanting to distract Parker from the missing necklace. A smile comes across Parker's face. 

"God it was a stupid way to meet." Zach smiles as he sees Parker smile at the memory. 

"Come on, don't spare any details." He nudges him with his elbow, "Tell me everything." 

"Well," Parker's smile widens, "I'd finally cleared out this huge building in the middle of Seattle, filling it with traps and making it safe to live in. And I had made sure to move this one ladder off the side of the building 'cause I didn't want the Geeks to climb up. Apparently Quinn was running from these Geeks and a Screamer and she had to climb through the fire escape because I'd moved the ladder. She eventually snuck into the little office I was staying in inside the building. I freaked out and shot her in the shoulder with an arrow." He chuckles, "She was pretty mad about it." 

Zach chuckles along with Parker, "Sounds like a stupid way to meet." 

Parker nods with a smile, "She eventually came around to liking me after a few close calls. Man, we're so dumb. The night before you found us we got crazy drunk and it was hilarious after a while. Just getting drunk and laughing, letting ourselves relax for the first time since we'd met. God...that was amazing." 

"Oh, so you were an alcoholic before we met?" He teases, raising an eyebrow. 

"You're the alcoholic." 

When it got dark, the two stopped to rest. Parker started a fire and after they ate they sat underneath a tree. Parker leads on Zach, his head leaning on the bigger man's chest. 

"You know...this is kind of nice..." He whispers, looking at the fire. 

"Mhm." Zach gently kisses the top of Parker's head, before scooting a bit so he can kiss Parker's neck. 

"You are ridiculous..." Parker mumbles, yawning. 

"You know you love it." He presses a few soft kisses to Parker's neck. "You go to sleep, I'll take first watch." 

"Thank you..." 

"Of course, love." 

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