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Okay, changed my mind, both Quinn and Parker are different ages. Parker is older than Quinn so right now Quinn is 20 turning 21 and Parker is 21 because it's his birthday.

Around an hour or two later, there was a knock on the door. Parker peeked out to see who it was and opened it when he saw it was Quinn. He pushed the shelf out of the way and let her inside. Afterwards she helped him push the shelf back in place.

"So, bad news, there were a few Walkers. But they were easy to take out so the area is completely clear now. Good news, I found some stuff for you."

"Really? What'd you find?"

"Come on, let's sit down so I can find it in the bag." Quinn walks into the living room and sits down on the sleeping bag. Parker sits down next to her, childlike curiosity filling his brain at what she might have found for him.

"So, since you're twenty-one now I figured you might as well get your first taste of some alcohol." She pulls out a few jars of a clear liquid and sets them down on the ground.

"What kind of alcohol is it?" He asks warily, picking up one of the jars.

"The kind people make at home. It's strong but it kinda tastes disgusting."

Parker sets the jar down, "You're only twenty, how do you know it tastes gross?"

"My dad drank a lot. I'd definitely drank some of that stuff when I was like twelve thinking it was water and learned the hard way it was gross." Parker chuckles, trying not to laugh.

"Is that why you're so brain dead now?"

"Ha ha very funny old man."

"I'm only a year older!"

"And that makes you an old ass man."

"Whatever you damn youngin."

"Jesus the next thing you're gonna do is tell me to get off your lawn or something."

"No but I'll scold you for being reckless and not eating if I have to."

"Okay grandpa."

"Just tell me what else you found!"

"Okay okay!" Quinn laughs, a smile on her face as she opens her bag back up. She pulls out a little box. "I found this cabin deep out in the woods and there was this like a grungy teens room maybe? I have actually no idea but I'm just guessing by what was left- Anyway- I saw this like, bow necklace, like it has a little bow charm on it," She holds up the necklace, "And it reminded me of you because you always use a bow."

Parker's entire face lights up in happiness and pure excitement as he reaches out and gently grabs the necklace. "Holy crap this is cool!"

She smiles, "You like it?"

"Hell yeah I do!" He puts the necklace on, fixing it a bit.

"I uh, found you another thing. But it's not complete but I couldn't find everything you need for it."

"You found me another thing?! Holy shit Quinn-"

Quinn chuckles, "Twenty-one is a big age to turn!" She pulls a walkman and a pair of headphones out of her bag. "I don't have tapes for you to put inside but maybe once we find that settlement maybe they'll have some tapes-" Quinn gets cut off as Parker hugs her tightly.

"Thank you." He holds her tightly. She smiles and hugs him back.

"Happy birthday, Parker."

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