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(Changing Quinn's pronouns to she/they because it's just easier to write lmao)

They'd been driving almost the whole day. They had stopped a few times to refill the tank and Parker had done most of the work since Quinn had no idea what he was doing. He ended up trying to explain it to Quinn but gave up when she had no idea what was going on.

Right now it's dark out. Parker is sleeping and music is quietly playing in the background. Quinns driving silently with her head leaning against their hand. She's pretty tired but she doesn't wanna wake Parker up so she can sleep.

When Parker wakes they're parked in the forest. The car is off and Quinn is asleep. He gently taps her shoulder, trying not to startle her. She jumps awake before looking over at him.

"What's wrong?"

"You should have woken me up..I could have driven for us.." Quinn yawns and shrugs.

"I didn't want to wake you. Besides I tried anyway, you were fast asleep." This was a lie but she wanted to try and make Parker feel better or something.

"Oh..Sorry about that."

"It's alright. Don't be sorry." Quinn stretches out her arms before sitting up fully and starting the car.

"How long did you drive after I fell asleep?" He asks, watching the road as she drives.

"Five or six hours."

"Damn..Where are we now?"

"Oregon. We're headed towards Wyoming, remember?"

"Why Wyoming?"

"Because I heard there's not as many Walkers there unless it's the winter. Plus there might be people who have had the same idea."

"Yeah that's true. Do you mind if I put in some music?"

"Nope. Go for it."

Parker smiles and nods and gets out of his seat and into the small area behind them. He looks around for any music he thinks might be good. He finds the song they were listening to first yesterday and puts it into the radio.

The two drove in silence the rest of the day. Parker knew that Quinn wasn't a big fan of small talk. Occasionally Quinn stopped the car and went out to get gas and then came back with something small for Parker. Sometimes it was a book from one of the cars, sometimes it was a bit of food for Parker to eat, One time it was a few CD's.

Quinn didn't act like she cared or worried for Parker but just by her actions he knew that she did care.

"So how far until we're in Wyoming?" He asks, taking a bite of the canned peaches she'd given him.

"Quite a while. We're just getting out of Oregon right now."

"Oh damn."

"Mhm. And we might have to take some detours depending on what we run into." Parker nods in response.

"Oh shit.." Quinn stops the car in front of a dark and long tunnel. They could barely see the light at the end.

"What is it?"

"It's a dark tunnel. There could be Climbers."

"Oh god..Those things are fucking horrifying.."

"Yeah." Quinn turns on the headlights of the car. The tunnel doesn't have any cars in it as far as they can see but the headlights don't reach to the ceiling.

"I could always point the big flashlight we found up at the ceiling?"

"I mean we could..you'd have to stick it out of the sunroof though."

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