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It'd been a year and a half since Parker and Quinn had found the settlement, Oakwood. Quinn and Parker had lived together in a shared house for a little while before Parker went and lived with Zach, his boyfriend. Quinn was disappointed and bothered by her lack of company. Don't get her wrong she was incredibly happy Parker had found someone, maybe she was just jealous she didn't get to see Parker as much. 

She started hanging out with Robin, maybe developing a crush on the woman. Something she'd never admit to herself. 

Parker came up with the idea of inviting Zach and Robin over to my house for some board games and movies. "Oh come on Quinn! It'll be fun!" He says with a smile as he follows her around the house. "Plus you'll get to hang out with Robinnnnn!" He teases, punching her in the back as she walks. 

She rolls her eyes, walking downstairs and into the living room. "You act like I have a thing for her." 

"Because you do!" 

"I do not!" 

Parker laughs and sits next to her on the couch. "Trust me, everyone can tell that you do. Zach asked me yesterday if you two were dating because he genuinely thought you were." 

"That- doesn't mean anything." 

"Yes it does! You are so protective over her!" 

"So? I'm protective over you." 

"That's different because you don't have a crush on me. Do you?" Parker asks with a teasing tone. 


"Exactly. You like Robin! Why can't you just admit that to yourself?" 

"Because-...I don't want to. I'm scared of losing her enough while we're just friends." 

Parker puts a hand on her shoulder, "Robin can protect herself and I know you'd be able to protect her too." 

"Yeah I guess you're right..."

"So...Will you finally admit you have a crush on her?" Quinn's face turns a light red and she looks away from Parker. 

"Fine whatever. I have a crush on Robin." 

"AHA! I knew it! Okay let's plan the wedding." 

"Parker! What is wrong with you?!" 


Later that night, all four of them are sitting at Quinn's kitchen table playing a drunken game of monopoly. 

"Oh come on! I should not have to pay money to you!" Parker groans, turning to glare at Zach. 

"You do. Says 500 right there." He answers, pointing at the board. 

"If I give you a kiss will you lower the price?" 

"Uh no, but I'll take the kiss." Zach teases Parker with a grin. Parker rolls his eyes and shoves the paper money into Zach's hands. 

"This game is destroying relationships." Robin whispers to Quinn, causing Quinn to chuckle. 

"Tell me about it." Quinn grabs her glass, taking a drink of the alcohol Robin had brought. "Hey you can't do that!" She protests against Parker. 

Parkers hysterically laughing and so are the others. 

"That's actual bullshit." She throws the paper money at Parker and moves her piece across the board. "Alright it's your turn, Robin." 

Robin takes her turn and moves her piece. "I'M IN JAIL?!" She yells. All three of us burst out in loud drunken laughter. 

After the horrorscape of monopoly we decided on a movie. Parker and Zach had gotten so drunk that they were now asleep in one of the chairs in the living room. Parker is leaning against Zach who's holding onto him. 

"They're cute together." Robin mumbles, her voice slurring a bit. 

"Mhm." She looks down at Robin, smiling softly. Robin leans her head on Quinn's shoulder, gently holding onto Quinn's hand. "You tired?" 

"Yeah..." Robin answers sleepily. Quinn moves a bit so Robin can be more comfortable. 

"Get some sleep, you need it." She says softly, leaning her head against Robin's. Robin dozes off to sleep and Quinn dozes off as well not too long after.

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