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The next morning Parker woke up before anyone else. He had a pounding headache and was nauseous from the amount of alcohol he'd drank but that was to be expected out of any of the four of them after last night. He looked up at Zach and kissed the sleeping man on the cheek before looking over at the couch. 

His eyes widened as he saw Quinn and Robin cuddling and sleeping on the couch together. Parker smiles widely and gently shakes Zach awake. 

He groans, shielding his eyes from the sun. "Ugh...What time is it..." 

"Look at Quinn and Robin." Parker whispers as he gets up. He closes the curtains to stop the sunlight from shining on them. Zach sees the two cuddling and sleeping on the couch and smirks. 

"Are you positive they're not dating? They look like a couple to me." 

"Not yet they're not." Parker walks into the kitchen to start making some food and to get himself a glass of water. Zach walks over and hugs Parker from behind, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. 

"Did you enjoy last night?" He asks, kissing the back of Parker's neck. 

"I did. I'm glad I suggested your idea to Quinn. Maybe we just accidentally set her and Robin up." 

"Maybe..." He starts kissing Parker's neck. 

"Okay bozo, help me make food." 

"Oh come on are you serious? I wanted to-"

"You can wait." 

"Ugh whatever." He rolls his eyes playfully and walks over to the fridge to grab some stuff for Parker. 

Quinn slowly starts to wake up, hearing cooking and quiet talking. She winces at her horrible headache and looks down, only to realize Robin was tightly holding onto her and she was tightly holding onto Robin. 

Her face turns a deep red before she carefully moves Robin's arms off of her. She stands up and rubs her face to try and get the blush off her face. She walked into the kitchen and saw Parker and Zach standing together and cooking. 

"Mornin'." She says, leaning on the counter next to Parker. 

"So what happened last night after we fell asleep?" He asks, smirking as he looks over at Quinn. 

She clears her throat, rubbing the back of her neck. "She just- kind of fell asleep on me." 


"It's true!" 

"Alright alright!" 


After Parker and Zach had left to go do their patrol duties, only Robin and Quinn were left. 

"Do you think they'll kiss?" Parker asks as they walk towards the stables. 

"I mean, the first time we were left alone we kissed." 

"We did a lot more than kiss." 

"Oh yeah," He smirks, "If I can remember you got railed-" Parker smacks Zach on the back of the head.

"Shut up." 

"Ow! That hurt!" 

"Cry me a river!" 

"Come here you little-" 

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