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Robin had asked to stay another night, to which Quinn agreed. 

Right now, they were sitting on the couch watching one of Robin's favorite movies. Robin's head was leaning on Quinn's shoulder and she was gently tracing over the lines on Quinn's palm. 

"Hey Quinn?" 


"Do you like it here in Oakwood?" 

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" 

"Do you...like the people?" 

Quinn leans her head against Robin's. "Some of them, yes." 

"Do you like Zach?" 

"Yeah, he's a great guy and he makes Parker happy. He's nice, I don't think there's anyone who couldn't like him." 

"Yeah you're right." 

The two sit in a comfortable silence. Quinn feels herself start to doze off from the feeling of Robin tracing the lines on her palm. 

"I've been meaning to ask you for a long while, why do you have a packed backpack by your door?" She snaps Quinn out of her drowsy state. 

"Oh it's...for patrols and emergencies. In case I need to rush out of here." 

Robin moves so she can see Quinn's face. "You worry a lot." 

"Yeah I've been told." She says, jokingly ruffling Robin's hair. Robin grabs Quinn's wrist. 

"Do you think you'll stay here your whole life?" 

"I hope so." Quinn pauses, "What's with all the questions today?" 

"Sorry." Robin turns her head away. Quinn gently grabs Robin's chin and part of her jaw and turns the brunettes head back towards her. 

"You don't have anything to be sorry for, Robin..." Quinn's thumb gently runs across Robin's bottom lip. Robin's eyes flicker down to Quinn's lips before going back to her eyes. "You've been giving me those eyes for a long time..." She mumbles, their faces slowly getting closer. 

"Maybe you should do something about it." Robin whispers, leaning in towards Quinn. Quinn smiles before moving her hand to the back of Robin's neck and pressing her lips to Robin's. Robin leans in towards Quinn, only to pull away a few seconds later. 

Quinn smiles, "Now you have to stop giving me those adorable looks all the time." 

Robin giggles, leaning her head on Quinn's shoulder again. "Well it makes me get my way so..." 

"Ugh you're annoying." Quinn kisses the top of Robin's head. 

"Yeah yeah whatever." She holds onto Quinn's hand, rubbing the back of her hand with her thumb. 

Halfway through their movie the sound of gunshots and screams fill the air. The tv switches off and all the power goes out. 


Quinn jumps up from the couch, "Put your shoes on! Quick!" Robin jumps up and the two quickly put their shoes on. Quinn puts the backpack by the door over her shoulders and slowly opens the front door. The sound of loud Screamers and the loud groans and snarls of what sounded to be like hundreds of zombies filled the air. 

Filled with panic, Quinn grabbed a baseball bat and a metal pipe from the shed in her side yard. She handed the metal pipe to Robin. 

"You stay close. Understand? We're going to get Zach and Parker and then we'll leave." 

Robin nods in response and follows after Quinn as they run towards Parker and Zach's house. 

There's screams of pain and horror and a loud boom as some building in the settlement explodes into flames. Quinn's breath starts to quicken as she runs, her grip on the bat tightening. A Runner runs towards her and she slams the baseball bat into it's head, killing it with one hit. 

They run onto the main street, only to see Walkers swarming the streets and crowding around dead bodies. Robin follows quickly after Quinn as the two run towards the front gates of Oakwood. 

Not hearing Robin's yell of warning, Quinn gets tackled by a Screamer. Robin rushes over to help only to get swarmed by a few Walkers. Quinn puts the bat into the Screamers mouth, trying to stop it from biting her. She turns her head to the side and sees Parker standing there, his eyes wide with shock and terror. 

"PARKER!" She yells, screaming at the top of her lungs. Her eyes have tears in them and are filled with pure desperation. Parker goes to take a step forwards before he yells something to her and runs off after Zach. 

Quinn's stomach drops and she feels the Screamer get kicked off of her. She grabs her bat and slams it down into the Screamer's head. Robin says something she can't hear, Quinn's ears are ringing and that's the only thing she can hear. Robin grabs her hand and they run through the streets towards the gates of Oakwood. 

There's another loud explosion that blows the two off their feet. Quinn hits the ground hard, grimacing in pain as she gets back up. She helps Robin up quickly and shoots a Runner heading towards them in the head. Quinn grabs Robins hand and they run deep into the forest, the screams of the dead and dying echoing through the mountains. 

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