Amending Party

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It was Friday afternoon, and Jeremy had arrived at the Hudson Mansion with Travis's gang. They rang the doorbell and Richard answered.

"Travis, nice to see you!" Richard greeted Travis and his crew. "I see you are wearing your green Friday outfits!" Jeremy was wearing a green outfit like the others. Everyone came in. "First and foremost, aside from the common sense stuff, there are no rules in this house. Make yourselves at home!" Jeremy, Travis and the others went to write some new amendments to the constitution.

"Ok, I'll start off." Travis began. "Amendment 28 clearly states that it is perfectly constitutional to indict a sitting president or a sitting Supreme Court judge!" Everyone clapped.

"I'll go next." Perry began. "Amendment number 29 is the equal pay amendment, giving men and women equal pay." Jeremy clapped. "This amendment also eliminates the pink tax and makes corporations sueable for charging more for similar products but for women."  Buster began to make the 30th amendment.

"The 30th states that black people's votes count as two votes instead of one." He made the whip sound with his IHolo 7.

"Wesley here, and I'm writing the 31st amendment!" Wesley began. "The 31st states that Indian and South Asian people's votes count as 15 votes!" Wesley made an air horn sound.

"Ok, my turn." Jeremy went to make the 32nd. "The 32nd amendment states that assault weapons are banned nationwide and all non assault weapons require a 1 month written training course, a six month hands on training course, an oral, written and hands on firearm test, and to be registered by the Federal Firearms Administration." Travis laughed at Jeremy for some reason.

"Are you making fun of me?" Jeremy began to cry.

"No, Jeremy." Travis patted Jeremy on the back. "That was too good, but not good enough. Travis began passing the 33rd amendment.

"Amendment number 33 states that every American is created equal regardless of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, etc. under the law, and equally as slaves of the great Richard Hudson!" This negated the vote multiplier amendments passed by Buster and Wesley.  Travis went to the closet to pick out a tablet.

"What's with the tablet?" Jeremy asked "What is this, 2023?" Travis was up to something.

"This is the Roast Tablet." Travis explained. "Look, Mr. Japan." Travis pointed to the files. "This tablet contains data on everyone in America that I can edit at will. I can sell this data to advertisers and make money off of it!" Richard came in the room.

"Hey boys, I brought some green apple soda!" Everyone took some.

"Thanks!" Jeremy, Travis and the others took some.

"Jeremy." Richard wanted to tell Jeremy something. "After this we will train you on your element." Jeremy got his stuff ready and prepared for training.

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