Last Tango in New York

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At the headquarters of the NYPD, Manuel came to see his boss. His boss was a big, overweight black man with a gray balding stubble haircut,  wearing a black uniform.

"Chief Sherman, I have an announcement to make." Sherman was tired, and wanted the announcement to be over with.

"Make it quick because I am still not done with this crossword puzzle." Sherman's deep, croaking voice made it obvious he was not too fond of his job. 

"There are some skull soldiers that are attacking the headquarters! " Sherman was ready to get up and actually do something.

"At least I get to do something other than sit at this desk all the time." The skull soldiers were attacking from the north side of the headquarters.

"All units, defend the north!" Sherman ordered with his deep, thundering voice. The skull soldiers were skeletons in black uniforms that looked like a cross between a SWAT officer and a WW2 German soldier with a spike on the helmet. The NYPD shot at the soldiers, and  they broke into bones as they died. The skull soldiers pulled out purple guns that were silver in color and had two pronged forks on the ends where the ammo would be fired from. The skull soldiers' guns did not fire bullets, but they fired purple laser beams that shot out of the fork ends.

"Request backup!" Manuel called via his IHolo. "We're losing officers!" Some white squad cars came by, bringing more officers. The skull soldier threat on the northern side was finished.

"There's more coming from the south!" Sherman ordered. "All units, defend the south!" When the skull soldiers came from the South, they came in three jet black tanks and four black trucks with purple accents.

"They're packing military grade shit, what are we supposed to do?" A concerned white female officer asked.

"We'll send in the FBI, because my assistant happens to know Rolf." Sherman called the FBI and waited for them to show up.

"Sherman, I discovered that the fellow New Yorkers have planted car bombs in the way of the tank brigade to defend us." Manuel pointed to a long blue container that carried some sort of a weapon. Sherman opened it.

"Take this and shoot the car bombs." Manuel was holding a rocket launcher in his hands. Sherman pointed to the dull gray vans where the car bombs were.

"Chew on this, boneheads!" Manuel fired the rocket at the car bomb near the southern side of the department building and it caused a chain reaction, blowing up the other car bombs and destroying the tanks and the trucks. Sherman went back to his desk and found a glowing star of some sort that he was using as a paperweight.

"Oh if only this city could go back to normal!" Sherman did not know he had the wishing star and since he did, the entire Ramone presence vanished from New York. The Torment Elevators crumbled, and all suddenly felt well in the city, as the cops were celebrating and popping champagne, but something did not feel right. Rosetta and Rolf arrived, but they arrived too late.

"Sorry we're late." Rolf felt sorry for himself. "Those skull soldiers really backed up traffic for miles." Unfortunately, it was not too late for Rosetta, because she got a call from Richard Hudson.

"Hello, Rosetta." Richard was up to something. "If you want to see Jeremy again, you will proceed to the FlatIron building immediately before I blow it up and blame him for it, so the world will look at Jeremy as a criminal all along! After he checked out of the hospital, I kidnapped him and took him there!"

"Jeremy's not about domestic terrorism, he's better than that, and where is Ramone, anyways?"

"Ramone is escaping  to Atlanta, Georgia in his private Blackwing Jet from LaGuardia." Richard explained. "His wife Bella is going with him, but you have a choice. Free Jeremy but Ramone escapes, or go after Ramone and Jeremy dies." Rosetta began to think to herself. 

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