Sweet 15

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After Jeremy and Rosetta bought their fancy clothes from Macys, they lined up in Madison Square Garden, the home of the New York Frost. The blue and orange Frost uniforms hung in the gift shop for all to see. Jeremy and Rosetta went through security and encountered Manuel with a big muscular man with a beard.

"Hello, Jeremy." Manuel greeted Jeremy and Rosetta. "This is my pal Rolf Ronson, who works for the FBI." Rolf waved hello.

"Hello partner." The tall and muscular giant of the FBI hugged Jeremy, as his big arms were squeezing Jeremy's small body.

"Hey, just as a heads up." Rolf mentioned. "We are investigating the Los Angeles judge who sentenced your friend Andrea to 30 years without a proper trial."

"What was her name?" Jeremy wanted to know why Andrea was locked up.

"The judge's name was Destiny Violet King, who has no relation to Dr. Martin Luther King or Billie Jean King." Rolf explained. "She is notorious for being tired and giving verdicts without a trial."

"So what will you have me do?" Jeremy wanted to set Andrea free, but didn't know the cost.

"Right now we're having Manuel's daughter's quinceanera." Manuel's daughter, Penelope appeared, looking beautiful as ever.

"Jeremy, this is my daughter, Penelope." Penelope shook Jeremy's hand. "I named her after Penelope Cruz, because I loved watching her movies and still do at the station when I have down time."

"Hi sweetie!" Rosetta held Penelope's hand.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Penelope asked Jeremy.

"More like my business partner..." Jeremy sighed.

"That's cool." Manuel led everyone to the stadium where the quinceanera was held. The floors were covered with dark wood, covering up the basketball floors. There were yellow balloons and a yellow carpet in the center of the stadium, since yellow was Penelope's favorite color. The owner of the Frost came to make an announcement.

"Thank you all for coming to the assistant police chief's daughter's quinceanera." The owner of the Frost, Frank Forster announced.

"Actually, it's assistant to the regional police chief." Manuel corrected.

"Eh, shut it." Frank yapped rudely. "To celebrate this occasion, the mascot of the New York Frost will be joining us, and his name is Freddie the Freezer!" A man in a polar bear costume appeared on stage, waving to the crowd. He held up a sign that said, WE HEART MEMES, waving it to the crowd.

"Now that that is out of the way, here's Manuel Esperanto and his lovely wedded wife, Gloria Esperanto, here to say a few words. Manuel and Gloria took the mic. Gloria was a beautiful, busty Latina with long frizzy black hair, green eyes and wore a pink dress that had featured her two large breasts.
"I am so proud of my beautiful daughter Penelope turning 15 years of age." Manuel announced. "It seems so long ago since she was just learning about numbers in school, and I am proud of her that she came this far!" Freddie held up a sign that said GO PENELOPE while Manuel was making the speech. Gloria took the mic.

"Also, I think this party is a little lacking." She pressed a remote that turned the AI DJ on.

"Thank you for coming to the assistant police chief's daugher's quinceanera!" The AI DJ announced in its high pitched computerized voice.

"Actually it's...nevermind." Manuel sighed.

"This song is dedicated to Penelope Esperanto, since she plays the best game of poker with all her friends during sleepovers, so here's the song Poker Face by Lady Gaga!" Penelope started dancing to the song, while everyone started dancing along with her.

"Mind if I dance with you?" Jeremy asked Penelope.

"No problem!" Penelope answered. Penelope started dancing with Jeremy as they were doing some hand and arm movements together. Jeremy started doing the robot, tilting his head and his arms in robotic movements.

"You call that a robot?" Penelope reacted. "You have to be more robotic." Penelope did her own robot and was doing it in a more robotic fashion.

"Now that's more robotic!" Penelope was proud of her demonstration.

"This next song is dedicated to Penelope herself, for her great dancing ability, here's Dancing Queen by ABBA." The DJ played Dancing Queen by ABBA.

"Call me Brusters, because I ordered a banana split!" She did a perfect split and got up.

"You call that a split?" Jeremy was jealous. "Here's a split!" Jeremy did a split, and immediately let out a bloodcurdling scream.  The music cut off with a record scratch.

"Help!" I am hurt!" Manuel came to see what was the matter.

"I hurt myself trying to do the split and I broke my legs!" Rosetta came to comfort him.

"Call an ambulance!" Rosetta called an ambulance. When the paramedics showed up, they took Jeremy away in a stretcher, placing him in the ambulance on its way to the NYC hospital. After the ambulance drove away, Rosetta knew what she had to do.

"I can't depend on Jeremy forever, so I should use this time to take matters into my own hands, and I will start by disabling the Torment Elevators." Rosetta got on her motorcycle and drove to the elevators.

"I can't believe this happened on my daughter's quinceanera!" Manuel was mad. "I am going to...." Before he could do anything, Penelope confronted him.

"It's ok." Penelope comforted her dad. "You don't need to arrest him. Being in the hospital is punishment enough."
"I guess you're right." Manuel agreed. He went with his daughter to take a family photo with his wife.

"Ok, smile for the camera!" The cameraman took the photo. "Can I get one with Freddie in it?" Freddie stood in front of the camera, but crouched down so Gloria was visible. The photo was taken.

"Finally, can I get a video shot with Freddie's alter ego, Air Freddie?" Air Freddie was like Air Harry of the Atlanta Hawks, but in the form of a polar bear. An inflatable head version of Freddie the Freezer showed up and waved to the camera. The cameraman started rolling as Air Freddie deflated his head and reinflated it. He deflated it again and then reinflated it. He started dancing as he deflated it and reinflated it again.

"And Cut!" Manuel, Gloria and Penelope clapped. Penelope hugged Air Freddie, while Manuel hugged Gloria.

"Well done everyone." Penelope thought to herself that she had the best quinceanera ever. Who could blame her, it was in Madison Square Garden, after all.

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