Pegasus Society

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Jeremy and Rosettta had arrived at the Atlanta Airport, as Jeremy saw a familiar face waiting for him. It was Andrea.

"Hello, Andy!" Jeremy greeted Andrea.

"I missed you, Jeremy!" Andrea hugged Jeremy. Rosetta introduced herself to Andrea.

"Hey, I'm Rosetta." Rosetta and Andrea shook hands.  "Sorry I have been out of the loop for some time, so how about you fill me in on the way to my clubhouse?"

"You own a clubhouse?" Rosetta gasped.

"That's right, the Pegasus Club that's in Peachtree Corners underneath Cheng's Chinese Cuisine." Andy explained. "The club formed in prison."

"So what are we doing here, let's go!" Andrea, Rosetta, and Jeremy got their bags from Baggage Claim and went to Andrea's white club car with a pink Pegasus head logo on the side doors. Andrea began speeding north on I-85, as she led Jeremy and Rosetta to her club.

"How did you learn to drive?" Rosetta was concerned how an ex-convict learned to drive.

"They taught me Driver's Ed in prison, and I was really good at it. I studied on film and over my notes, and practiced at the course in the yard, and after being released, I got my driver's license!"

"Here's what happened while you were away." Jeremy explained. "Me and Rosetta were working together to save the environment in New York City, but we ran into this creepy dark wizard guy named Ramone, and he wants to destroy the world so he can create a new one in his image."

"Sounds like a real threat." Andrea commented.

"Also Travis died, Wesley died, Richard moved to Hawaii, and I am the new Hudson Enterprises CEO." Jeremy explained. Andrea parked the car in the parking garage near Cheng's, as everyone got out and walked to the Chinese restaurant. There was a fish tank with a pagoda in it, stocked with goldfish, clownfish, and even a couple of starfish.

"The entrance is hidden in the fishtank by pressing down on the pagoda in the tank." Andrea plunged her hand in the water, and pressed down on the pagoda in the tank, revealing a secret staircase that led to the basement.

The staircase led to an elegant white palace held up with white columns with gold trim. The palace had a white marble floor with two staircases on the northern and southern sides that were lined with pink carpet. A golden statue of a Pegasus stood in the center of the room for all to see. Several women in white robes started lining up in front of the statue.

"Behold, Welcome to the Pegasus Club!" The white robes of the women had pink Pegasus emblems on the backs. Andrea, the club leader, came to call the club to attention, while Jeremy and Rosetta watched from the elevated walkways lined with pink carpet.

"Ladies of the Pegasus Club, we are proud to be gathered today to assume our dominance as women, feeding on the souls of men."

"What did they teach her in prison?" Jeremy nervously whispered to Rosetta. 

"Beats me." Rosetta sighed. Andrea was continuing her speech. "As you can see, our tabletop game of Palaces and Pegasus has helped us manipulate the men's soccer team known as the Atlanta Fusion into a spiral of failure, eliminating them from the playoffs."

"I think she's up to something." Rosetta whispered. A woman in a purple robe came to greet them. She had purple high heeled boots underneath the robe, and it was none other than Queen Bella Ramone.

"Andrea, my sweet friend." Bella came to make Andrea an offer. "Since I released you on behalf of the Coven of Ramone, I expect you to return the favor and carry out my wishes."

"What are your orders, my queen?" Andrea awaited Bella's orders.

"Kill Jeremy."

Jeremy quickly reacted, using his Earth ability and struck Andrea with a block of granite that he pulled out of the wall. Andrea used her strength to crush the granite rock.

"So you think you can just attack me like that, Jeremy?" Andrea was not pleased when Jeremy discovered she betrayed him.

"YOU TRAITOR!" Jeremy shouted as he flew through the air, carrying a stone hammer. "You think you can just betray me behind my back, can you?"  At that instant, Rosetta drew her sword,  but Andrea drew her own sword. They clashed swords, not fighting over Jeremy, but fighting for the fate of Atlanta and the world.

"Finally, we have a woman vs woman fight!" Andrea remarked. 

"There's only going to be one girl standing, and that's me!" Rosetta swung her sword horizontally, but Andrea did a vertical block. Andrea charged and swung her sword diagonally, but Rosetta climbed up the staircase and used the rail columns to her advantage by chopping the rail column closest to the staircase into Cheng's so the rails fell in a domino effect resulting in a column falling on Andrea. The Pegasus Club members came to assist Andrea, but they were encountered by Jeremy. He released lightning from his hands, electrocuting all the Pegasus Club members. Jeremy forged a metal sword with his Earth ability and enhanced it with lightning, slicing up the Pegasus club members clean through like a hot knife through butter. Queen Bella summoned some skull soldiers as reinforcements. Jeremy killed the reinforcements, but before he could slay the queen, the queen paralyzed him with telekinesis.

"Time to put you to sleep!" Bella used a sleeping spell to put Jeremy to sleep. She dragged Jeremy by the feet to a room below the main floor of the hideout.

"Jeremy!" Rosetta chased the Queen, but she closed the door to the secret room before Rosetta could get her. Andrea ran away to a different room in the hideout, the room where the game of Palaces and Pegasus was played. It looked like the first battle of the end could be not a battle at all, but a game.

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