Game of Destiny

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"Wakey wakey!" The Queen woke Jeremy up, as he was wondering where he had gone.

"Where am I?" Jeremy was freaked out.

"You're in the dungeon." Bella explained. Jeremy was in magic enhanced handcuffs so he could not go ahead and kill Bella right then and there. "I will escort you to Andrea so you will begin the game." Jeremy went to Andrea, who stood in the main room near the statue.

"Wait, I will challenge you to a game of my own!" Jeremy and the Queen proceeded to the main room of the hideout. Jeremy created three stone cars with his Earth abilities.

"This game is called Jeremy Circuit." Jeremy explained. "Here you must race around the statue while damaging your opponent's car. If your car is destroyed or if you are in third place after all three laps have been completed, you lose. However, there are stakes to this match. If I win, then you will send me the road map to Morticus. If either you or Andrea wins, then I will join your army."

"Deal!" Rosetta arrived to start the race.

"All right racers, take your marks!" She began to count down. "3...2....1...GO!" The racers started racing around the statue while attacking each other's car. Jeremy started slicing Bella's car with his water abilities. Bella was blocking the attacks. Jeremy used his Wind attacks to slice the wheels apart. Bella was spinning out of control and shot a purple blast to try and kill Rosetta. Jeremy blocked the attack with a lightning blast.

"Uh-uh!" Jeremy reminded Bella sarcastically. "That's against the rules." Jeremy deconstructed all three cars and animated the statue with his Earth abilities.

"If you don't play by the rules, you will receive your punishment!" The statue came to life, but Bella stopped it.

"WAIT!" She shouted. "I can tell you the coordinates to Ramone!" She began to confess.

"Tell me!" Jeremy wanted the truth.

"He's waiting at the Stone Mountain Castle Base, which used to be Stone Mountain Park. He is said to be atop the mountain looking for a duel. He's waiting to see you there." 

"That's all I needed to know." He animated the Pegasus statue as it ate Bella and Andrea's heads off, turning their bodies to crystal stone that shattered as the crystal fragments flew in all directions. "I need to find Morticus and end this once and for all!" Rosetta came to him.

"Wait, if you're going to fight Morticus, I will be there to cheer you on." She put her hand on Jeremy's shoulder, wishing him a good fight against Morticus Ramone.

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