Goodbye, Old Friends

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Otis arrived at the park in a green sports car, got out wearing a green suit and sunglasses. The weather was nice outside, as the people were screaming and chanting to spend their money to help the victims of the Indian Cobra Flu.

"Who wants donuts to help save lives!" The kids, teens and adults shouted. Otis cut in line, as he was ready to execute his plan. He walked up to the stand covered with white paper and a sign that said Donut Sale for Cobra Flu Awareness.

"I am sorry, you have to wait in line like everyone else." The fifty year old female attendant with blonde hair and a pink coat advised. She looked at Otis and he appeared to be a member of the Hudson corporation.

"Oh, a member of the Hudson Corporation!" She could not believe her eyes. "Well you still have to pay." Otis went ahead and ate all the donuts in typical Cookie Monster fashion, gobbling up the donuts and leaving crumbs everywhere. He ate and stuffed his face, leaving donut icing on his face. He ate the cupcakes they had in a sloppily manner, leaving large chunks of cupcake on the ground. He didn't care. He ate every single baked good they had until there was nothing much more to eat. After his eating frenzy he went to a trash can where squirrels were munching on nuts and threw up in it, scaring off the squirells.

After that, he got in Andrea's car and drove away. The attendant called the cops on him, as they were quick to arrive.

"LAPD! PULL OVER NOW!" A police officer roared. The cops did a PIT maneuver and yanked Otis out the car, then gunned him down. Andrea got mad and ran the cops over out of anger, but more cops arrived. They surrounded Andrea, yanked her out of the car and cuffed her.

"Leave your sorrys for the judge, asshole!" The cop yelled at Andrea.

Andrea appeared in court and the judge was very tired and very stressed out. The judge, a tired black woman, had begun the session.

"All rise for the defendant!" She sighed. "I am going to get this over with as quick as I can, I find the defendant guilty on all accounts!"

"What the hell!" Andrea protested. "That's not due process at all!"

"Due process, shoe process." The black judge rudely replied. "I am tired, I am bored so what I say goes. I am sentencing you to 30 years in prison and a 50,000 fine."

"But you violated like five different amendments!" Andrea was complaining when taken away by police.

"Some of those amendments just flew the coop!" The black woman replied. "Get a new Constitution, sister!"

"When did that happen?" Andrea was still arguing.

"Like...15 minutes ago!" Andrea was taken away by police as she was to be transferred to the Los Angeles County Women's Correctional Facility in Pasadena, where she would stay for a while.

Meanwhile, Jeremy was eating fried rice in a bowl while watching the news conference that Hudson Enterprises was going through major scandals. The news footage cut to the President of the United States, an Asian man named Robert Zhu.

"President Zhu, what are your thoughts on these scandals?" Robert had to make a decision.

"I, on behalf of the United States, am cutting ties with Hudson Enterprises." Zhu decided. "Before my decision can be finalized, the Supreme Court will put it to a vote."

The news footage turned to the Supreme Court, as the chief justice, a 24 year old blonde woman named Megan McKinny began the vote.

"All in favor of the President's decision, raise your hands!" 8 Justices raised their hands, including the first effeminately gay justice named William Rowland Zephyr, who had long hair like a woman and had mascara and red lipstick like a woman. 

"All who oppose?" 5 justices raised their hands.

"It seems we have a majority vote." McKinny announced. "The United States no longer is owned by Hudson Enterprises!"

Later on, when William Zephyr went to his house, the press stopped to ask him questions.

"William, are you excited that the US is free again?" A reporter asked.

"Yes, I am glad!" He was smiling in pure happiness.

"What are your plans of celebration?" A female reporter asked him.

"Just pay my bills and get a nail job or two, because I am a busy man." He applied some perfume during the press conference.

"Where are you going from here since you voted to overturn Citizens United and heavily regulate AI?"

"I may just retire and let Zhu appoint someone else." Zephyr confessed. "I did it all and got so much done, there's nothing left." Zephyr went back into his house.

"No more questions!" He shouted as he peeped out the window. He shut the door.

Back in Andrea's place where Jeremy was staying, Jeremy moved into the house, claiming it as his own since Andrea was imprisoned and Otis was dead.

"It's just one big empty house." He looked at the charcoal walls of the family room, staring at the gothic-inspired entertainment center, staring at the pictures of Andrea's family, and crying. He went upstairs to Andrea's room with purple walls and a black and red bed setup. He sat in the bed, crying, hoping that Andrea would be ok in prison. He was all alone, with no friends to support him, except the toxic friends that were Travis's gang. He couldn't support them forever, so he needed a new friend circle.

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