Goodbye, Los Angeles

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Jeremy was walking along the streets of LA, simply minding his own business, listening to some Avril Lavigne songs on his IHolo. He saw a black van come up to him, as the van stopped. Jeremy paused the music while several men in black masks captured Jeremy, tying him up and taking him away to the airport. They took him in a large private plane bound for LaGuardia as it flew away.

After the plane touched down in LaGuardia, Jeremy awoke and found himself kidnapped in a warehouse in Harlem.

"Where am I?" Jeremy kicked and wiggled, trying to break free.

"You are in the lair of the Black Tigers, the most notorious crime syndicate in all of New York!" The red flags with the Black Tiger logo were hung on the walls of the warehouse.

"Black Tigers?" Jeremy wondered what was going on. The Black Tigers' leader came in, seen with gray hair and an eyepatch and wore a black suit with a red shirt.

"We are the Black Tigers." the leader explained. "I am their leader, Xander Wilhelm III." He smoked his cigar that he pulled from his suit pocket.

"Listen, I don't know who you are, but you better let me go!" Jeremy screamed.

"About us." Xander pulled up a whiteboard. "Since the fall of Hudson Enterprises, we the Black Tigers have been buying up shares of the company, and now that we own 95 percent of Hudson Enterprises, you and Travis's little friends own the scraps."

"Doesn't matter, I will tear you apart like nobody's watching!"

"I don't understand how you can pull that off." Xander found Jeremy to be a fool, like a goldfish against the sperm whale that was Xander and the Black Tigers.

"I should bid you farewell, for now." Xander left Jeremy to die tied up. "I would kill you, but that would be too easy. I am going to let your own emotions tear you apart from the inside." Xander walked away. "Guards, leave him!" He was going to rot there until someone came to his rescue.

As Jeremy was tied up there, a masked female figure in white approached. She cut Jeremy free from his bondage.

"Who are you and why did you come save me?" Jeremy asked.

"No time." The female figure's disguised voice made it hard to tell if it was really a girl in the motorcycle suit. Jeremy rode on the back of the woman's motorcycle, zigzagging through NYC traffic.

"Normally I would just take the subway, but this works!" Jeremy was a bit sarcastic. The masked lady drove on top of cabs and Big Rigs. She jumped off a Big Rig and landed in Central Park She did a perfect superhero landing near a tree in the park.

"I don't know who you are but...." The woman took off her helmet, revealing a beautiful and stunning black lady with long black hair.

"I'm Rosetta Pine." The woman in white introduced herself. "And you are?"

"I am Jeremy." Jeremy introduced himself. "I love your ninja outfit, it reminds me of home in Japan!"

"You're from Japan?" Rosetta was confused.

"My parents are engineers, so it's a long story." Jeremy explained.

"My parents are environmental physicists, so they spend a lot of their time in Japan." Rosetta replied. "Come with me to the research station atop a skyscraper on 11th Avenue, I have got some work that you need to do regarding the environment." Jeremy and Rosetta made their way to the research station on 11th Avenue.

"In Central Park, the Black Tigers are known for dumping chemical waste in the pond, killing all the fishes." Rosetta was hooking Jeremy up with a jetpack and a tube of chemical antidote.
"What do I need to do?" Jeremy was unclear of how to dispose of the toxic waste.

"Place the toxic waste barrels in the biohazard dumpster I placed near the entrance of Central Park." Rosetta explained. "And when you're done with that, be sure to spray the antidote into the water, curing the fish of their poison."

"I will be on that!" Jeremy used the jetpack to fly to Central Park. When he got there, there were several toxic waste barrels with the Black Tigers' tiger logo on them. He pressed a button on the jetpack that released a cable. He towed the barrel of toxic waste into the biohazard dumpster. He towed another into the biohazard dumpster. He kept yanking the barrels of toxic waste out of the pond and into the biohazard dumpster until there were no barrels left.

"Time to do my stuff!" He began spraying the antidote in the water, purifying the water and curing the fish of their poison. The water turned from a toxic unnatural red color to a fresh and natural dark green color. Jeremy returned to the research station safely.

"Now that that's taken care of, it's time we experiment with your elemental power, because that will be required for taking care of the environment." Rosetta was happy that Jeremy saved the pond.

"Are you saying I should burn plastic or something?" Jeremy proposed.

"I am glad you asked." Rosetta shook Jeremy's hand. "We'll start work on this tomorrow. You should get some rest at my place."

Jeremy entered Rosetta's apartment, and it was in an old fashioned apartment building built in the 18th Century before America was a country.

"Of everywhere in NYC, why did you choose to live in this dinosaur apartment?" Jeremy asked.

"The rent is cheap, just 700 dollars a month!" Rosetta explained. "Besides, it's in OLD New York so it's not up to date anyways."

"Oh, so that explains why you have power generators there, because there are no electrical outlets." Jeremy pointed to the white generators with ten different electric outlets on each.

"Yes, and to charge the generators, I have to move them across the street, so it's a hassle."

"If your parents are environmental physicists, why are you living here?" Jeremy asked as if something didn't add up.

"They cut me off financially, because I was known to spend money that they shared on useless clothes because some rich fashion companies put their names on them." Rosetta explained. "Now I have to live with what I have, and make earnings saving the environment."

"Whether it's saving the environment or fighting the Black Tigers, I am fighting a war on two fronts here." The next act of Jeremy's adventure was about to begin.

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