Fatman Begins

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Jeremy met Rosetta in Bryant Park, as Rosetta briefed him on the objective.

"Ok, listen here." She began. "The trash cans in Bryant Park are filled with plastic bottles and containers from when people read and eat here, and when they do, those plastic bottles and containers can't really go away, they could end up in the ocean for all we know and after that, a baby seal chokes on them."

"So should I use my fire powers to burn the plastic?" Jeremy knew that burning the plastic had to be a temporary solution, so Rosetta had to find something more permanent.

"Hey Rosetta, are you working on a more permanent solution? I can't just burn all the plastic in the world my whole life."

"Not to worry." Rosetta brought up what her company was working on. "My company is working on an agent chemical that dissolves plastic. They will be shipping it to the sanitation department of New York, and until that happens, keep burning plastic!" Rosetta left Jeremy alone, as he went to burn plastic in the garbage cans. He started at the first garbage can and burned some empty water bottles and milk jugs. He went to the next garbage can and burned some plastic containers. He went to the third garbage can and burned plastic cutlery and plastic straws. He went to the reading area to see if anyone left any trash behind, and he saw a lot of it.

"Can't people read in this city without being pigs?" Jeremy looked at the Sprite bottles and cake containers scattered around the reading area. He shot fire bolts that dissolved every last one. Something caught Jeremy's eye. It was a fat man in a black hat and coat that was chewing on some candy. He left wrappers around him, showing no regard for cleanliness.

"Hey, dude bro!" Jeremy shouted. "Don't you know how to pick up your trash?" The fat neckbeard looked at Jeremy.

"Won't you mind your own business!" He started gnawing on a Hershey bar and started leaving Hershey chunks on the ground.

"I am calling the cops and they will arrest you for littering!" The fat neckbeard was running away, leaving a trail of candy wrappers behind him. Jeremy followed the trail all the way to Grand Central Station.

"I'M BOARDING A TRAIN TO CANADA, SO THE COPS DON'T HAVE NO JURISDICTION THERE!" The fat man screamed at the top of his lungs. Jeremy followed the trail of wrappers, and he was plowing everyone out of his way. He stopped because he got tired. So he pulled a beer bottle out from underneath his pants and was about to drink it. Before he could, he was hit with a Hispanic male cop's taser.

"No snacks for you in the bighouse!" The Hispanic male cop shouted to the fat neckbeard. The cop and his team dragged the fat neckbeard all the way to the police van.

"YOU ARE A BUNCH OF POOP BUCKERS!" The fat neckbeard yelled.

"Tell it to the judge, lawbreaker." The fat man was shoved in the police car and was taken away.

"Thanks for saving me out there." Jeremy told the cop.

"You're welcome." The cop agreed. "My name is Manuel Esperanto, and I am kind of high ranking amongst the NYPD."

"What position are you?" Jeremy asked.

"I'm assistant to the regional police chief." Manuel answered. "Come, I will take you home." Manuel escorted Jeremy to his squad car and took Jeremy back to the apartment building in Old New York.

"This is the place?" Manuel was curious, since it looked ancient to him.

"The rent is cheap." Manuel went to tell Jeremy something.

"Ok, let's remain a team." Manuel explained. "If you find yourself in trouble with the law, call my IHolo number and I will tell my officers to back off."

"YAHOO!" Jeremy was excited.

"Don't get too excited." Manuel held Jeremy's mouth. "Just because you have police protection doesn't mean you'll get off scott free for every crime you committed. Murder, especially of innocents, rape, and even drug dealing will make me put you down for sure."

"Ok, I will use it responsibly." Jeremy agreed. "Right now I got a hot date with a new girlfriend!"

"You get to that." Manuel got back in his squad car and drove away.

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